Infestus — Entzweiung Review

Infestus, a unique German Black Metal Solo Artist, emerged in 2003 and has since delivered five distinctive studio albums. On April 19th, 2024, Infestus unveiled his sixth studio album, Entzweiung. The album was released through Talheim Records.


Infestus, Entzweiung: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Infestus - Entzweiung Review

The First Three Sins of Entzweiung

Infestus - Entzweiung Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: The music drags you into darkness and chokes your shattering existences.

As soon the listener presses the button, the opening piece, Echoes, greets the listener with a brief, eerie piano and atmosphere, laying the groundwork for the expedition ahead.

One embarks on their journey with the second piece, Dead Inside, a raw and aggressive track that sets the tone for the rest of the album. The remaining five pieces embark on a journey, unveiling two distinct, almost paradoxical echoes in Andras’ creations: a seething rage in league with the very essence of darkness and a contemplative side that interlaces fragile moods with explosive bursts of anguish. Each track offers a unique perspective on the album’s themes and musical elements, creating a rich and diverse listening experience.

Infestus - Entzweiung Review

Entzweiung is an alluring, forbidden fruit of art that delves into the human psyche’s dichotomy, exploring themes of inner turmoil, existential dread, and the struggle for self-identity, drawing you into its mesmerising depths, where any flicker of light fades away.

Entzweiung is a captivating blend of experimental, raw, and depressive elements, interwoven with poetic and aggressive fury and introspective darkness that permeates every track

In Dead Inside, the raw aggression is palpable, while in Echoes, the introspective darkness takes centre stage. The music’s emotional depth is so profound that it can’t help but stir something within the listener, taking them on a transformative journey of self-reflection and understanding. This emotional journey, skillfully crafted by the artist, connects the listener to the music, making it a powerful and unforgettable experience.

Entzweiung‘s outstanding production value is a testament to Infestus‘ unwavering dedication to his craft and meticulous attention to detail. The artistry exhibited in the devilmanship is extraordinary, as the artist adeptly crafts enchanting and hypnotic compositions encompassing a diverse range of tones, musical arrangements, and vocal styles. The music radiates a profound emotional depth, characterised by dynamic riffs, intricate tremolo pickings, powerful drumming, and a vocal delivery that seamlessly transitions between poignant cries, haunting whispers, aggressive growls, and clear, evocative vocals.

Within the music’s walls, the listener will encounter acoustic and piano/synth sections that add a layer of darkness and complexity, further captivating the listener with its depth and intricacy. This level of dedication and passion from the artist makes the music so powerful and engaging, and it’s a testament to his commitment to his craft.

Entzweiung is a (again) forbidden fruit of art release. The album’s thematic content refers to a state of being torn apart, a disintegration of the self, a central theme in the album’s exploration of the human psyche and emotions.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Dance of Uncreation. We want to give a shoutout to Infestus for letting us review his Entzweiung album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.

You’re Listening to “Quell der Entzeriung”


The last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Entzweiung is a forbidden fruit of art release, a well-arranged, composed, and forbidden fruit. Each song flows seamlessly into the next, creating a musical journey that is both cohesive and engaging. The music drags you into darkness and chokes your shattering existences, a testament to the artist’s skill and vision. This seamless flow of the songs not only keeps the listener engaged, but also enhances the overall experience of the album, making the listener feel more immersed in the album’s world. The continuous flow of the music creates a sense of unity and coherence, amplifying the emotional impact of the album.

It feels like Infestus has injected every part of himself into his music.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork looks like, the listener is stepping into the music nightmare of the mind of Andras.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Infestus, and his album Entzweiung.

This concludes the Infestus, Entzweiung review.

  1. Echoes
  2. Dead Inside
  3. Fuga Nocturna
  4. Quell der Entzeriung
  5. Vom Dunkel verschlungen
  6. Solitude
  7. Dance of Uncreation
  • Andras – everything
Infestus - Entzweiung Review