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Spirits Way – Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Review

Spirits Way is a Blackened Brutal Death Metal duo project from Poland. Founded in 2009, the band has released an EP, a compilation, and two albums. On May 31st, 2024, the band released its third studio album, Attendite a Falsis Prophetis, through German TeufelsZeug Records.


Spirits Way, Attendite a Falsis Prophetis: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Spirits Way - Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Review

The First Three Sins of Attendite a Falsis Prophetis

Spirits Way - Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Creating their music, from the dismemberment of body parts and the bones of Christ.

As soon as the listener presses the play button, the opening piece, Intro, greets the listener with an acoustic introduction, building up the mood and atmosphere of what’s to come.

The listener continues their journey with the second piece, Body Decomposition Engineering, and the remaining seven pieces. It is a dark, brutal death metal soundtrack to a collapsing universe full of hatred and contempt for the lies of humanity and religion.

As the listener delves deeper into Attendite a Falsis Prohetis, they will uncover a unique and fascinating blend of brutal death metal and melodic sections in each track. This unexpected brutal fusion, veiled in a dark-blackened atmosphere, will captivate even the most discerning brutal and extreme metal fans, leaving them intrigued and excited for what’s to come.

Each of the nine songs, meticulously composed and spread across a thirty-minute playtime, offers a unique experience. The contributions of two guest vocalists further enhance the album’s depth. Female guest Amira Gaafar (Premonitions and Vephar) brings her balls to the wall, crushing brutal growls that will dismantle the listener’s soul into shreds on track three. At the same time, Pawl Cymerman (Symbolical) adds his crushing growls to track five. The guest guitarist, Jim Ross (Bandwhore and Nader Sadek), features on track seven, and track eight sees the addition of Dave Suzuki (Chruchburn), further enriching and bringing colour to the musical spectrum.

Spirits Way - Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Review

As I listen to Attendite a Falsis Prohetis, I do get this feeling: the darkest and most blackened atmosphere of the music is shattered by the melodic and rhythmic sections, somewhat lifting the music from the darkness for a brief moment, but this doesn’t last long; that dark and blackened atmosphere soon overcasts the music and the melodic and rhythmic sections.

Attendite, a Falsis Prohetis, is a forbidden fruit of art. Every element is executed flawlessly, from the lyrics to the intricate instrumentation and music composition, and the devilmanship within the music spectrum of Spirits Way.

The production quality is not just exceptional; it’s extraordinary, with a crystal-clear sound that brings every melody, note, brute force and beat to life.

It is the framework of the production and music, keeping the atmosphere of the production dark and gritty with a rich, immersive sonic soundtrack.

While many brutal death metal bands stick to a straightforward, brutal sound, Spirits Way dares to be different. They have broken the norm and ventured into uncharted territory, experimenting with their sound and adding complex instructions and other elements. This bold and unique approach features brutal compositions and devilmanship, killer melodic/rhythm sections, heavy breakdowns, and a dark, blackened atmosphere that veils the music.

The album comes to an end with the last song, The Dismemberment of Christ. We want to give a shoutout to Spirits Way for letting us review their album, Attendite a Falsis Prophetis. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.

You’re Listening to “My Throne Is Made of the Bones of Jesus”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Spirits Way’s release Attendite, a Falsis Prohetis, has captivated me, leaving me coming best friends with the repeat button. This highly anticipated album promises to deliver a head-banging and floor-pounding fusion of melodic, black, dark, brutal, and death metal bound to enrapture fans of these genres.

It’s a collection essential for any enthusiast. What sets this music apart is its modern approach, a bold step in the genre’s evolution, while retaining the pure underground essence that defines Spirits Way. This connection to the genre’s roots will make fans feel part of the music’s evolution.

I have to mention that everything is nailed to perfection, but those various growls and roars will shred your soul—and worse, they’re worse when you have headphones on!

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork is as hauntingly dark as the music, exuding a chilling horror vibe that captivates the senses.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Spirits Way, and their album Attendite a Falsis Prophetis.

This concludes the Spirits Way, Attendite a Falsis Prophetis review.

  1. Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Pt1 (instrumental)
  2. Body Decomposition Engineering
  3. Anatomy of Decay
  4. Morbid Might
  5. Master of Deception
  6. Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Pt2 (instrumental)
  7. My Throne Is Made of the Bones of Jesus
  8. Paradox of Anger
  9. The Dismemberment of Christ
  • Tomasz “Destroyer” Radzikowski – guitars, vocals
  • Czajnik – bass
  • Dave Suzuki – guest guitarist
  • Jim Ross – guest guitarist
  • Pawl Cymerman – guest vocals
  • Amira Gaafar – guest vocals
Spirits Way - Attendite a Falsis Prophetis Review