
Ris – Ivanova Kula Review

A Dungeon Synth/Dark Ambient solo artist from Serbia. 2022 saw the release of his independent unearthed demos album Ivanova kula – Slovenski sumrak. Which includes eleven twilight epicus songs that would gratify fans and music for dungeons, caverns & deep forest dwellers.


Ris, Ivanova kul: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Ivanova kul

Ris - Ivanova Kula Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: A compendium of Ris’s early unearthed demos dedicated to his ancestors.

Immediately after the listener presses that play button, the listener is welcomed to the opening piece, Jarilov Vitez (The Knight Of Yarilo), where the listener is welcomed to an epic score of the ambience keys, which continues through the remaining ten pieces.

As one continues their twilight epic journey, one will find this release of swords, dungeons, unknown caves, and towering castles. This release goes under the name (a side project of Ris) “Ivanova kula (Ivan’s Tower)”, and is more of a darkly romantic and nostalgic homage to Ris’s forefathers and his pagan roots & mythology. A musical score consists of only dark ambient keys, whereas the Bauk Buka musical spectrum consists of raw and lo-fi distortion (frigid atmosphere) of black metal with dark ambient keys/music.

Ivanova Kula (Ivan’s Tower) gives the listener’s ears an enchanted, creative, and imaginative mind of Riss magical world of dungeons, unknown caverns/caves, mythology/paganism, and deep forest dwellers. Creating and capturing this perfect dungeon synth/dark ambient musical-epic score and magical world that’s dark, epic, and grand. The musical spectrum provides the listener’s ears with multiple perspectives and atmospheres of various tones, tempos, moods, sounds/audio clips, and instrumental arrangements. This includes different ambient keys to capture each atmosphere of each piece. Drum symbol, atmospheric chants. Which are convenient to place at the right moment -thus creating something that can be either epic, dark, or romantic -all transfixing and entertaining/enchanting -neither dull nor repetitive.

At the same time, Ivanova Kula (Ivan’s Tower) delivers and provides a musical atmosphere/spectrum that’s well composed both in music and instrumental and produced by the breathtaking art of devilmanship; the music score/composing of each piece -even the whole release is compelling and astonishing, production and sound quality (as always) are both top-notch.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Jav, Nav i Prav (Yav, Nav and Prav). We want to give a shoutout to Ris for letting us review his Ivanova kula album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Ivanova kula”


The last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Our ears were indulged in the full-length composing of the music and instrumental arrangements.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Captures (again) the band name, tracks, and music. At the same time, it has this feel and looks of an old 50s/60s epic film poster.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Ris, and their album Ivanova kul.

This concludes the Ris, Ivanova kul review.

  1. Jarilov vitez (The Knight of Yarilo)
  2. Ivanova kula (Ivan’s Tower)
  3. Danak u krvi (Blood Tax)
  4. Buzdovan bogova (Mace of Gods)
  5. Lagum (The Dungeon)
  6. Gromovit (Thunderous)
  7. Slava precima! (Glory to the Ancestors!)
  8. Čuvar Dunava (The Guardian of Danube)
  9. Skijavoneska (Schiavonesca)
  10. Red vuka (Order of the Wolf)
  11. Jav, Nav i Prav (Yav, Nav and Prav)
  • Musick opus created in the mind and forged by the hands of Ivan Ristić
Ris - Ivanova Kula Review