Acherontia Styx – Dressed In You Review

Acherontia Styx is a Post-death/Experimental Death Metal band from the UK. On August 21st, 2019, Acherontia Styx released their second single, “Dressed In You,” through the band’s self-owned label, Dwarrowdelf Records.

Acherontia Styx - Dressed In You Review

Acherontia Styx, Dressed In You: This review will evaluate every aspect of the single, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this single is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Your Possible Pasts

Let’s start by discussing the first three sins of Acherontia Styx and their album Dressed In You.

Acherontia Styx - Dressed In You Review

The First Sin, The Strings/Keys: Features a blackened feel of hate and evilness, with nightmarish undertones within the guitar work. The Second Sin, The Vocals: Involves harsh vocals, while embossing low (deep) rough grunts—with a hint of grindcore. The Third Sin—The Percussions: Fast with a sick attitude of heavy blast beats, countless brutal drumming beats, and plenty of tempos.

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Another helping of Forbidden Fruit… helping of fava beans, and a nice Chianti.

When the listener presses the play button, one is welcomed to a four-minute single influenced by Silence Of The Lambs while combining the horrifically vicious French horror film Martyrs.

Breaking into the onslaught aggressive of death metal that embraces a sick, blackened death groove into the single – (again) giving the pleasure of an excellent, equally solid, strongly composed song that captures more than their “groove-laden death metal” sound.

This time capturing a deeper (dark/complex) extreme sound while embracing some technically/old-school death and brutal death metal.

Adam and Paul’s guitar/bass devilmanship consists of an underlying groove reminiscent of early Lamb Of God/Grunge, with a blackened feel of hate and evil with nightmarish undertones, deep dark and full of hooks. There is also an overdose of melodic (fast-epic) riffage, with ravaging pickings of the bass.

At the same time, Grant’s vocals are insane and powerful, while the rest of devilmanship is top-notch (tight and well-composed). I must say, Dressed In You, single is a powerful and robust song – that’s raw/cold, brutalization, outrageously evil and dark from start to finish.

Now the single has come to an end. We want to give a shoutout to Acherontia Styx for letting us review their Dressed In You, single. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.

You’re Listening to “Dressed In You”


The Last Three Sins

Let’s discuss the last three sins of Acherontia Styx and their album Dressed In You.

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia:

For us, Dressed In You, is laced with lotions in baskets of extraordinary devilmanship, complex musical structure, and one strongly composed song.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

One word — (I see) A Hannibal Lecter faux — brutal!

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Acherontia Styx, and their album Dressed In You.

This concludes the Acherontia Styx, Dressed In You review.


  1. Dressed In You

Acherontia Styx Is:

  • Grant “Ron Bassman” Crossan: lead vocals, bass
  • Paul “Dinenthal” Taylor: guitar, vocals, bass, and keys
  • Jake Burden: drums
  • Adam Ashbridge: guitars, lead guitars, production

Band/Artist Links:

Acherontia Styx - Dressed In You Review