Velka – Purgatori Ignis Iudicium Review

A Spanish Black Metal band. December, 11th 2021, the band released their debut studio album Purgatori Ignis Iudicium. The album was released through Bandcamp as an independent release. Later released through Base Record Production and UKEM Records on April 29th, 2022.


Velka, Purgatori Ignis Iudicium: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Velka - Purgatori Ignis Iudicium Review

The First Three Sins of Purgatori Ignis Iudicium

Velka - Purgatori Ignis Iudicium Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Music itself sounds like it bursts out of the gates of purgatory…

Immediately after the listener presses that play button, one is welcomed to the opening track, Eternal Hate Awakens, which welcomes the listener with a very short bustling wind, church bells, and footsteps intro sound FX.

Through this bustling wind and bells, unleashing a relentless black metal – a relentless sound that continues throughout the remaining album.

As one continues with their dark and relentless journey – a journey not only consumes one’s soul and punishes the listener’s ears but drags the listener’s innocent soul and ears through the gates of purgatory (Velka music itself sounds like it bursts out of the gates of purgatory). An album that’s enhanced by quite an acceptable dose of a direct ferocious and hell-ripping attitude of being, raw, aggressive, straightforward rage, fast, well-executed and extreme to the bone.

At the same time, Velka has created a black metal (again) straightforward while cutting out fancy characteristics such as fancy and epic keyboard sections/atmospheric passages and epic solos of the guitars. Purgatori Ignis Iudicium also hits all the major points of making an album. At the same time, Purgatori Ignis Iudicium is well-written and well-balanced excellent, well-executed devilmanship.

Purgatori Ignis Iudicium provides the listener with fierce and grim vocals of screams/growls and shrieks, instrumentation filled with power and aggression. Driving chords which incorporate the technicality of the guitar with an appropriate level of savagery and a knack for making their riffs syncopated. The full throttle of the drums (with a hint of technicality in the drum playing), various tempo shifts and specific passages of slow and fast sections, emphasis on creepy yet memorable melodies, and some (short) piano finishes.

If you’re a fan of straightforward and punishing music to which you can still quickly bang your head, you won’t want to miss Purgatori Ignis Iudicium and all its dark and aggressive delight.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Ascension Through Fire. We want to give a shoutout to Velka for letting us review their album, Purgatori Ignis Iudicium. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Purgatori Ignis Iudicium”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Purgatori Ignis Iudicium is a well-polished album. At the same time, the seven songs are long (but nothing like what you would find in atmospheric black metal) – just pure solid extreme/outrageously evil equally solid, strongly composed songs – that will not dull the listener with boredom.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork is dark, creepy, and has a mysterious atmosphere

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Velka, and their album, Purgatori Ignis Iudicium.

This concludes the Velka, Purgatori Ignis Iudicium review.

  1. Eternal Hate Awakens
  2. Freezing Hell Isolation
  3. Inner Chaos Unleashed
  4. Ancient Pain Exposed
  5. The Imposed Punishment
  6. Lake of Forgetfulness
  7. Ascension Through Fire
  • Unknown
Velka - Purgatori Ignis Iudicium Review