Frentrum – Aprutium Review

Frentrum – Aprutium Review: A Black Metal band from Italy. The band was formed in 20131. On June 11th, 2022, the band released their only debut studio album, Aprutium, which includes nine dark -yet beautiful and ominous songs that would gratify fans of Aniimae Capronii and Wunjo. The album was released through Southern Hell Records.


Frentrum – Aprutium Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS. Which consists of guitar artistry of cold, dark (rhythmic) passages and additional tremolo-pickings

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves cold blackened vocals

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of raw-fury drum patterns and beats

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the album. The listener immediately presses the play button, and one is welcome to the opening track, IMMUTATO CANTICO, which opens the album with a cold and dark-haunting instrumental of the acoustic and bustling wind.

Following suit with the second track, SENTIERO DELLE NEBBIE, being the first song following the intro track and the remaining seven pieces and the following two parts the listener is welcome to a raw mid-pace of cold-brimstone of old-school black metal in the vein of -early DARKTHRONE atmosphere.

Breaking off the ice from one’s ears with the thirteen-minute fifth piece AUDEN which unfolds into this dark -yet beautiful and ominous ambience soundscape with beautiful spiritual chants pushed in the background – which is an excellent segue between the raw and cold atmosphere of the first and last three pieces of the album.

Simultaneously, the album is made by ANT‘s family (due to Ant’s passing), AGAMANTE COSTANTINI and AMEDEO PASQUINI, with the collaboration of MASSIMO CHIARINI and TOTÒ SCHIZOID.

On the instrumental tracks already mixed and recovered from the archives, friends and musicians have interpreted ANT‘s lyrics. With the result of an excellent job of creating something unique, magical and memorable piece. The whole album captures and delivers the listener with this raw-cold and dark atmosphere piece that’s breathtaking and awe-inspiring from the moment of pressing that play button

At the same time, the guitar artistry consists of cold, dark (rhythmic) passages, additional tremolo-pickings, the rhythmic beats of the drums, various guest vocals, and additional compositions such as; sound/spoken audio clips, acoustic and ambience sections that can be heard in particular songs —thus, providing the listener’s ears with an album in the vein of old-school black metal, with a well-solid production, a sound that’s cold and raw, outstanding songwriting/composing of the music and excellent devilmanship, including Ant’s family/friends for their remarkable achievement of making this album come alive and the honour of Ant.

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. I found listening to this with and without headphones but channelling the music atmosphere through the headphones seemed to capture this magical (trance-like feeling) spectrum of the music.

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. Featuring a black horse on the cover is special and unique – which suits the music perfectly “black horses are fairly rare, which makes them all the more special,” and this is how I feel about the music

Finally, the review will close with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH, and the closing piece, DIES IRAE ANT ONIUS BLOCK. With nothing to disrelish within the musical world of FRENTRUM, we can move on with the outro piece, DIES IRAE ANT ONIUS BLOCK, which closes the album with a dark passage of the guitar/keys with a -Esque Spiritual/pagan funeral chanting atmosphere. This concludes the Frentrum – Aprutium Review

Aprutium Song-listing:

  1. Immutato Cantico
  2. Sentiero Delle Nebbie
  3. Dove Dimorano Le Pietre
  4. Linee Di Vette
  5. Auden (instrumental)
  6. In A Timeless Land
  7. Come Together
  8. Mistica Del Vuoto
  9. Dies Irae Ant Onius Block

Frentrum Members:

  • Ant (guitars/bass/synth/lyrics)
  • Draughar (all drums, vocals on track 02)
  • Guest Members:
  • Felis Catus (track 1, vocals & acoustic guitars on track 06)
  • Hesperus (vocals on track 03)
  • Loris Lord (vocals on track 04)
  • Necro (vocals on track 07)
  • Furius (vocals on track 08)
  • G/Ab (vocals on track 09)
  • Iblis (bass/vocals on track 09)

  1. The project ended in 2020 with the death of Ant. ↩︎