
Deathroll – Immorality Review

Deathroll – Immorality Review: A Black Heavy Metal solo (singer, songwriter, and musician) artist from Japan. August 6th, 2022, saw Deathroll release his sixth studio album Immorality. The album was released through STF Records.


Deathroll – Immorality Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS. Which consists of sharp, dark and evil (distorted) riffage and dark rhythms and dynamism of bass riffs

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves harsh, nightmarish fang fang-striking snarls/growls

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of raw and evil/fire drum strikes and beats

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the single. The listener immediately presses the play button, one is welcome to the opening piece, DON’T UNDERSTAND THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING, which welcomes the listener with heavy-thundering drumming distorted riffage, and nightmare vocals -following suit with the second track COLLAPSE ETHICS and the remaining six pieces.

Continuing with one’s depicting the darkness of jet black and breaking your heart nightmare journey with the second track, COLLAPSE ETHICS, and the remaining six pieces. Which delivers the listener’s ears with a molding of black metal with a musical spectrum that’s beautiful -yet dark… but also a heavy, pure nightmare, aggressive, raw, energetic, loud, old-school, and underground -yet modern.

At the same time, DEATHROLL delivers the listener’s ears with a black metal that’s filled with creativity and fantastic orchestration of devilmanship; while the recording is raw and unpolished, the eight solid, strongly composed songs sound like it was recorded and written in a log cabin on the frigid Norwegian forest of the north.

While capturing the elements mentioned above, the music spectrum itself does something unique; it’s not the music, composing of the vocals or instrumentational/song or music; at times, the music seems to capture this feeling that the music is caught in a snow blizzard; due to the music atmosphere dipping in this cold, raw atmosphere of bands such as early DARKTHRONE, BUZUM, and MAYHEM -but the main factor of the music is the sound! That captures the listener’s ears and draws the listener to the music.

DEATHROLL, has created this speed-driven and primitive black metal artistry that provides depth and dynamism within every song and music, at the same time capturing this sound experience within the music that’s equally solid, strongly composed, and presented in a fast, explosive, and well-balanced manner consisting of guitar artistry of dark and evil (distorted) riffage and darkly rhythms, with various little solos popping up here and there, fang striking vocals that send terror down one’s spine, and a backbone of raw and evil drum strikes and beats.

Surely not to be missed. Music that’s a headbanger, fresh and pure evil from start to finish

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. The whole lot, the aggression with the music, the vocals, the explosive instrumentation, etc.

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. Nothing to discuss about the artwork.

Finally, the review will close with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH. With one thing to disrelish within the musical world of DEATHROLL. This has to the artwork, really lets the music down. This concludes the Deathroll – Immorality Review.

If not already, why don’t the reader check out the other DEATHROLL review MAXI-SINGLE

Immorality Song-listing:

  • Don’t Understand the Principle of the Thing
  • Collapse Ethics
  • Melting happiness
  • Hell on Earth
  • Desolate
  • Obscenity Named Brainwashing
  • Journey to the Underworld
  • Healing called the death

Deathroll Members:

  • Kazu (everything)