Shavalyoth – Μαρχωσιάς Review

A Hellenic Black Metal solo artist from Greece. Shavalyoth released his second EP album Μαρχωσιάς, which would gratify fans of Macabre Omen, Varathron, Rotting Christ, Forgotten and Apocalyptic Leaders. The album was released through Hellenic Metal World and Masters of Kaos Productions.


Shavalyoth, Μαρχωσιάς: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Shavalyoth - Μαρχωσιάς Review

The First Three Sins of Μαρχωσιάς

Shavalyoth - Μαρχωσιάς Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Mysteries of the unknown & inviting the listener deeper into the unknown

The listener immediately presses the play button, and their ears and soul are greeted with the opening piece, Ύμνος Στον Λύκο Της Αβύσσου (intro), which welcomes the listener’s ears and soul with the sound of the synths and drum strikes. This mysterious atmosphere, perfectly complementing the spoken words that follow.

As the listener progresses through the second track of the album, Μαρχωσιάς, where one is greeted with a warmly uplifting instrumental piece that basks in the sunlight. However, this tranquil atmosphere is soon shattered and overcast by the sudden onslaught of a raw, fast-paced instrumental section. This dynamic contrast between the two musical styles continues throughout the final two songs, creating a truly immersive listening experience.

Shavalyoth has created a musical fruit of art. Shavalyoth has skillfully woven together different types of black metal, including cold-raw black metal, symphonic/melodic black metal, and occult black metal, creating a dark, haunting -yet (at times) beautiful sound. The music draws heavily on the Hellenic black metal style and sound of bands like Macabre Omen, Varathron, and Rotting Christ, resulting in a unique blend of traditional and Hellenic black metal.

The cold and lo-fi/raw sound characterises the music production (and is well, professionally delivered by the mind and hands of Dimon (Dimitris Sakkas)). The compositions of the music are diverse and encompass a range of moods and tempos. The instrumental and vocal artistry employed in creating the music is remarkable and comprises several elements.

Shavalyoth - Μαρχωσιάς Review

At the same time, the instrumental, and vocal art consists of a combination of cold and sun-soaked melodic riffs that create an atmosphere of both light and darkness. The heavily distorted tremolo pickings add depth and complexity to the music, while the haunting synth/piano sections infuse mystery and intrigue.

In contrast, the music incorporates manifold drum strikes and beats of varying tempos that create an engaging and dynamic listening experience. The spoken-like vocals are raw and powerful, with blackened shrieks that give the music an occult-like quality.

The album is a genuine fruit of art; each song has been meticulously crafted with fine attention to detail. The artist’s creative genius is on full display as they blend diverse musical elements to create a cohesive and immersive sound that transports the listener to another realm of the unknown. Each song’s raw and dark quality adds a level of intensity that is difficult to match, making it a truly unforgettable experience. Every aspect of the music has been thoughtfully crafted to create a truly captivating and mesmerising experience for the listener.

Overall, the album is a testament to the artist’s unparalleled musical talent and ability to create something darkly and magical-occult

The album comes to an end with the last song, Σαμαηλ (Ο Πρίγκηψ Του Ερέβους). We want to give a shoutout to Shavalyoth for letting us review their Μαρχωσιάς album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Μαρχωσιάς


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Shavalyoth‘s music invites the listener to an otherworldly realm of the unknown, creating a tapestry of sounds, moods, and atmospheres within the walls of the music. The lyrics explore themes of Satanism and occultism, delving into the mysteries of the unknown and inviting the listener to journey deeper into the unknown.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The intricate artwork on the album cover exudes an old-school charm reminiscent of the Hellenic era. The central image of what appears to be a tomb is shrouded in mystery, leaving one to wonder if it could be the entrance to the mythical underworld, Hell. The cover prominently features Marchosias, depicted as a fearsome fire-spitting chimeric wolf with majestic griffon wings and a menacing serpent’s tail.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Shavalyoth, and their album Μαρχωσιάς.

This concludes the Shavalyoth Μαρχωσιάς review.

  1. Ύμνος Στον Λύκο Της Αβύσσου (intro)
  2. Μαρχωσιάς
  3. Βάαλ (Ο Βασιλεύς Της Κολάσεως)
  4. Σαμαηλ (Ο Πρίγκηψ Του Ερέβους)
  • Archon Marchosias – guitars & bass
  • Elder – synths on tracks 1 & 3 (session member)
  • Paranøia – vocals
  • Dimon – drums, synths (session member)
Shavalyoth - Μαρχωσιάς Review