Scheinwelten – Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert Review

Scheinwelten is a Depressive Black Art solo artist from Belgium. May 9th 2023, saw Scheinwelten release his debut studio album Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert (a f**king open-air asylum in English), which includes four depressive black art pieces, which would gratify fans of Kromlech and Shining. The album was released through HateLife Productions and Hurricane.


Scheinwelten, Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Scheinwelten - Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert Review

The First Three Sins of Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert

Scheinwelten - Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Here’s a presentation of “Scheinwelten,” a depressive and cathartic black art.

As you prepare to press the play button, take a moment to centre yourself and take a deep breath in. This is not your average music; something dark and heavy will take you on a journey. You won’t be guided or held by the hand but alone with this unique dark fruit of art. It’s like being locked up in an Asylum, with no one to talk to and nothing to do but listen to yourself.

As the listener presses the play button, one is immediately transported into the haunting and atmospheric world of the opening piece, Déchiré par la haine. The track welcomes the listener with eerie and brooding keys that echo through a hollow abyss, while the guitar provides sombre and melancholic strokes that perfectly complement the dark ambience. The drum strikes are powerful and commanding, adding a sense of urgency to the piece, while the spoken words add depth and emotion to the overall experience. The listener is fully immersed in a world of sound that is both haunting and unforgettable.

As you embark on a dark and isolated journey with the hauntingly second piece Abandonné par la raison. The listener will find themselves surrounded by a sense of melancholy that will slowly seep into your soul with every beat and note of the music. At the same time, as the music progresses, it takes the listener deeper and deeper into the darkness until it feels like you are drowning in it.

But despite the overwhelming sadness that permeates the music, there is something undeniably captivating about it. It’s like listening to the UK-based raw black/death ambient act Kromlech, where each song is a window into the artist’s personal experiences dealing with grief, mental illness, and loss. This is the same case for Scheinwelten; the music is also a window into the artist’s personal experiences dealing with heart-breaking and heavy emotional experiences with grief, mental illness, and loss. These experiences are expertly woven into the fabric of the songs, simultaneously inhaling the depressive atmosphere art of the Swedish act Shining.

So take a deep breath and prepare for an experience that will leave you breathless. The music in Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to delve into the depths of their emotions, it is an experience that is not to be missed.

“The anger that’s inside me is a driving force in the process of writing and composing this project, allowing me to release it without having negative repercussions around me” [Scheinwelten].

Scheinwelten is a heavily emotional forbidden fruit art piece that features dark and raw recordings that give the impression that the music was captured within the damp walls of a cell.

Listening to this music can evoke a sense of being trapped within one’s emotions. The piece’s overall devilmanship and composition are raw, depressive, powerful, and emotional, with a devilish quality that is both dark and drowning.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Scheinwelten/Dysth Suiz – L’abîme digère ce qu’il en reste. We want to give a shoutout to Scheinwelten for letting us review his album, Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert”


The last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, as mentioned, Scheinwelten is a heavily emotional tapestry of dark and heavy music. It’s about the music, inking your emotions and personal feelings within the walls of the songs/music. And this almost forty-minute forbidden fruit captures all this.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

This illusionary world is haunting and unsettling, simultaneously capturing the music’s dark abyss and depressing/heavy emotional essences.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Scheinwelten, and his album Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert.

This concludes the Scheinwelten, Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert review.

  1. Déchiré par la haine
  2. Abandonné par la raison
  3. L’oeil vide, le corps mutilé
  4. Scheinwelten/Dysth Suiz – L’abîme digère ce qu’il en reste
  • Scheinwelten – everything)
  • Guest vocals on track four, are by Dysth Sui
Scheinwelten - Un putain d’asile à ciel ouvert Review