
Out of the Mouth of Graves – Shrines To Dagon Review

A Dissonant Death Metal band from the United States. April 10th, 2023, Out of the Mouth of Grave released their second studio album Shrines To Dagon, which would gratify fans of Portal, Deathspell Omega, and Impetuous Ritual. The album was released through Vølus self-owned label Vargheist Records and promoted through Shred Storm PR.


Out of the Mouth of Graves, Shrines To Dagon: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Out of the Mouth of Graves - Shrines To Dagon Review

The First Three Sins of Shrines To Dagon

Out of the Mouth of Graves - Shrines To Dagon Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: A terrifying, and dark musical journey dripped in a Lovecraftian atmosphere.

Immediately, as the listener presses that play button, where the listener is welcomed to the opening piece, Visions Of The End, which welcomes the listener to an introductory instrumental of the acoustic with an unsettling vibe.

One continues their journey with the second piece, Shrines To Dagon, and the remaining ten pieces, where the music transmits into the cosmos cavernous/dissonant horror of the otherworldly vortex world of Lovecraft.

Shrines To Dagon is an album, which sounds like it was composed in the Mountains of Madness and the lyrics, that inked the music sheet, could have been ink from the blood of Cthulhu. As one travels through these pages (songs) of the band’s next dreadfulness nightmare chapter—simultaneously, Shrines To Dagon is a musical spectrum that feels like the music drags the listener through the village of Dunwich and into the padded cells of Arkham Asylum itself.

Shrines To Dagon offers the listener the same “A Genuinely Friggin’ Terrifying Music & atmosphere” from their debut release. But with a slightly polished and professional sound in the production and atmosphere that’s rich and more enveloping. The overall sound moves slightly away from the debut’s soupy/swampy quality and towards a more mystical and otherworldly essence that shines in the mix. That cavernous, raw quality that initially drew fans in remains just as powerful and substantial and noticeable from the moment of pressing that play button.

At the same time, this finest forbidding fruit of Lovecraftian art also provided the listener with decaying-rotting technicality (with a display of improved within the) devilmanship. The album consists of instrumental and vocal composition art of various tempos, moods, and atmospheres, which are convenient to place at the right (simultaneously each member performs their role to perfection) moment.

Shrines To Dagon is an offer to the mighty old one (Cthulhu) himself, a release that should be played loud while terrifying the neighbours. It batters the listener from every side but also smashes all critical points of being heavy, brutal, wild, raw, chaotic, filthy, bleeding the ears, melting your brain with its fruit of extreme goo for delight.

The album comes to an end with the last song, The Eye of Perdition. Welcomes the listener with the organ sound of the keys (atmosphere), with a chilling horror vibe, with a feel you’re in a desolate Lovecraftian inner vortex world.

We want to give a shoutout to Shred Storm for letting us review Out Of The Mouth Of Graves and their album, Shrines To Dagon. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “The Depths of Unseen Psychois”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Just like their debut release, Harbinger Unceremonious. I must say I enjoy the whole friggin’ terrifying lot, the instrumentation work, the vocals, the murky sound, and the rotten atmosphere.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork speaks for itself.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Out of the Mouth of Graves, and their album Shrines To Dagon.

This concludes the Out of the Mouth of Graves, Shrines To Dagon review.

  1. Visions of the End
  2. Shrines to Dagon
  3. The Depths of Unseen Psychois
  4. The Void Staring Black
  5. Temdril Veins Escaping to Claw
  6. Injecting With Mania
  7. Paralytic Gaze
  8. Requiem Iversion
  9. Signal Deception
  10. Swarmfeeder
  11. The Eye of Perdition
  • Jared Moran – rhythm guitar/drums
  • Nicholas Turner – lead guitar
  • Justin Vølus – vocals and lyrics
Out of the Mouth of Graves - Shrines To Dagon Review