
Malo Mortuum – Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors Review

An Atmospheric Black Metal/Dungeon Synth band from the United States. June 2nd, 2021, the band independently released their debut EP album, Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors. Promoted through Pennsylvania Music Fan PR.


Malo Mortuum, Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Malo Mortuum - Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors Review

The First Three Sins of Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors

Malo Mortuum - Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Travelling through the frozen wilderness or a land of Lovecraftian horror….

Immediately the listener presses that play button, one is welcome to the opening piece, The Frostbitten Winds Of Demise, Part One, which welcomes the listener to a darkly-ambience atmosphere dungeon-synth opening. With this feeling of being blanketed by a frigid atmosphere and sound of demise and loneliness.

One continues their demising and the sense of being lost in the frozen wilderness journey with the second piece, Dark Mysticism, and the last three pieces —a musical art and atmosphere of pushing boundaries of mixing a DNA of raw-atmospheric black metal and dungeon synth of this creating this dark -somewhat haunting musical spectrum/atmosphere of designing and making the listener feel like “as if one is travelling through the frozen wilderness or a land of Lovecraftian (Medieval) horror music.”

Malo Mortuum - Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors Review

At the same time, the listener’s ears are delivered and provided by the perfect art of instrumental devilmanship and composition/composing of the music (sound recording). The has this feeling of being recorded within the walls of the wilderness (dense forest) and beneath an ancient crypt. Creating an atmosphere and sound that’s primitive (distorted) and lo-fi.

The instrumental consists of low-tremolo pickings and raw riffage of the guitar, raw drum strikes and beats, ghostly whispers and wintery dungeon synths, altogether woven with various tones, tempos, and moods within each instrumental.

Thus capturing multiple perspectives and atmosphere with each piece (making each piece different in sound and frame of mind/ears)

The album comes to an end with the last song, The Frostbitten Winds of Demise, part.2, welcomes the listener to a dungeon synth piece -which is cold -yet mystical, beautiful, and dark. We want to give a shoutout to GlobMetal for letting us review band name and their album name album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is for Us, is the whole album is a wondrous journey from start to finish.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Dark, cold, and beautiful art. Captures both worlds of raw/old-school (atmospheric) black metal and dungeon synth. At the same time, the artwork also captures the atmosphere of the music.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Malo Mortuum, and their album, Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors.

This concludes the Malo Mortuum, Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors review.

  1. The Frostbitten Winds of Demise, part.1
  2. Dark Mysticism
  3. War/Domination
  4. Through the Cold Forest
  5. The Frostbitten Winds of Demise, part.2
  • Feralbutcher – drums
  • Ipsissimus – vocals, guitars, keyboards
Malo Mortuum - Through A Land Of Medieval Horrors Review