
Invocatio – The Detonation of the CosmosInvocatio Review

An Occult/Ritualistic Black Metal band from Mexico. June 10th, 2023, Invocatio released their debut studio album, The Detonation of the Cosmos, which includes nine dark-summing infernal forces tracks, which would gratify fans of Gaerea and Mqla. The album was released through Self Mutilation Services.


Invocatio, The Detonation of the Cosmos: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Invocatio - The Detonation of the CosmosInvocatio Review

The First Three Sins of The Detonation of the Cosmos

Invocatio - The Detonation of the CosmosInvocatio Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Summon infernal forces & invite listeners to join the cult of the evil one.

The listener is greeted with the initial track titled, Anticosmic Ceremony as soon as the play button is pressed. The haunting ambience of the sound of rainfall and bells in the background establishes a sombre mood, immediately conveying a sense of something beyond ordinary perception.

The eerie atmosphere intensifies as the track transitions into Band Of St. Miguel’s, forceful growls, distorted guitar, and rapid drums. The intense combination of these elements creates a suffocating feeling that engulfs the listener, leaving them with a profound sense of the music’s power and emotional impact.

As you embark on the journey of exploration, immersing yourself in the intricacies of the seven remaining tracks and the poetic theme that the Liber Azerate inspires. The listener will encounter the principles and ceremonies associated with the veneration of Lucifer as a divine and transformative entity. This manuscript, revered as sacred within the Luciferian community, was penned by Frater Nemidial and is widely known as the Wrath of Chaos.

Invocatio has created an immersive and captivating experience for the listener, making it impossible to resist the allure of the music.

Invocatio - The Detonation of the CosmosInvocatio Review

Invocatio‘s amalgamation of these various components generates a raw and authentic sound that breathes life into the music and transports the listener on a memorable journey—simultaneously, what makes this album even more impressive is its almost forty-minute runtime, which showcases a fruit of art display of instrumental and vocal artistry and techniques that will leave you in awe. At the same time, one cannot overlook the remarkable vocal performance showcased in this particular magnum opus.

Towards the album’s conclusion, the listener is presented with the captivating and sombre melodies of Perpetual Void. The delicate guitar plucking harmonizes flawlessly with the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops, forming a tranquil yet emotionally charged ambience that resonates deeply even after the last notes have dissipated into the silence.

I must say, The Detonation of the Cosmos is undoubtedly a remarkable piece of music that effortlessly captures the essence of their unique style. This is not just an attack on the senses, but rather an invitation to experience the power of Invocatio‘s music and become a part of the cult.

Invocatio music is a testament to the band’s exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to their unique style, with its dark and ritualistic themes so powerful that they can summon infernal forces. Inviting listeners to join the cult of the evil one.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Perpetual Void. We want to give a shoutout to Invocatio for letting us review their album, The Detonation of the Cosmos. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “A Higher Void”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, The Detonation of the Cosmos is a true magnum opus that will leave a lasting impression on any extreme music lover who appreciates the beauty of dark and ritualistic themes/music — enriching one’s soul. The singer’s vocal prowess is undeniably impressive, embodying the atmospheric and ritualistic essence through his captivating voice. His enigmatic persona, reminiscent of Gaerea and Mqla, further enhances the already mesmerizing aura he exudes.

I must express my admiration for the seventh track, Mahapralaya. The way the vocals, melodies, rhythm, and atmosphere intertwine is mesmerizing, and I found myself getting lost in this track (and the whole album as well).

The whole release was on constant replay, as it was so enjoyable

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

When crafting a ritualistic black metal album, it is essential to have artwork that complements the overall aesthetic. At the same time, designing an album cover that genuinely captures the essence of your music is crucial in captivating your audience and immersing them in your world.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Invocatio, and their album The Detonation of the Cosmosr.

This concludes the Invocatio, The Detonation of the Cosmos review.

  1. Anticosmic Ceremony
  2. Bane of St. Miguel
  3. Tree of life, roots of death • Eltanin – Draconis
  4. Stellar Rattlesnake
  5. A Higher Void
  6. Mahapralaya
  7. A Plagued Heart
  8. Perpetual Void
  • A.G. – drums
  • A.E. – guitars & bass
  • D.A. – vocals
  • Luigi V Ponce – guest guitar
  • Luigi V Ponce & Ioan Aethani – guest vocals
Invocatio - The Detonation of the CosmosInvocatio Review