Viserion – Reborn In Darkness Review

Viserion is a Black Metal band from the United States. August 26th, 2022, the band released their latest single, Reborn In Darkness.


Viserion, Reborn In Darkness: This review will evaluate every aspect of the single, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this single is worth adding to your collection.

Viserion - Reborn In Darkness Review

The First Three Sins of Reborn In Darkness

Viserion - Reborn In Darkness Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Inspired by the character Oryx from the video game Destiny

The listener immediately presses the play button, where one will encounter a single that cuts out all the fancy intros and dives straight into the music. Viserion drags the listener and their innocent soul unwillingly straight into the music’s foreboding darkness that transcends from each note is a palpable experience.

Delivering a piece of dark art that tells a tale of corruption. Inspired by the character Oryx from the video game Destiny, who corrupts others known as the “The Taken,” the track depicts the brutality of his war against the light.

Viserion - Reborn In Darkness Review

Viserion doesn’t deliver dark and brutal music – but a musical spectrum that channels the unrelenting terror and iciness of their forebears’ acts, such as Mayhem, Darkthrone, and Behemoth (but creating their sound/identity of their own) that consists of astonishing artistry of blackened brutal devilmanship.

At the same time, the production of sound is heavy and brutal.

In contrast, the music’s concept and composition are inked by the awesome razor-sharp fret-board shredding of the guitar and complete arsenal battering of the drums. Viserion delivers evil shrieks and deep growls. As one reaches the last minute of the piece, the piece’s tempo swifts to this rhythm of darkness…

Now the single has come to an end. We want to give a shoutout to Viserion for letting us review their single Reborn In Darkness. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Reborn In Darkness”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Viserion has delivered an outstanding single that’s dark, raw, fast, brutal, and heavy – and a must to listen to.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork is powerful, but what makes it more powerful is the contrast and the Illusion within the painting -it fits the song’s title perfectly.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Viserion, and their Reborn In Darkness, single.

This concludes the Viserion, Reborn In Darkness review.

  1. Reborn In Darkness
  • Benedetto Marvilli – guitar/vocals
  • Cris Valentine – lead guitar
  • Matthew Marvilli – drums
  • Tasso Diakov – bass
Viserion - Reborn In Darkness Review