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Tenebrosidad – Cruel juego de la conciencia Review

Black Thrash Metal solo artist from Chile. November 25th, 2021, Tenebrosidad released his debut studio album, Cruel juego de la conciencia, which would gratify fans of Sarcófago and Vulcano. The album was released through Sepulcro Prod., Uholy Rites Records and Thanatology Productions.


Tenebrosidad, Cruel juego de la conciencia: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Tenebrosidad - Cruel juego de la conciencia Review

The First Three Sins of Cruel juego de la conciencia

Tenebrosidad - Cruel juego de la conciencia Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Extreme Latin Diablo’ish Metal, that drags the listener deep into the inferno

Immediately the listener presses that play button, one is welcomed to the Intro track, which welcomes the listener with atmospheric keys.

Following suit the second track, La última decisión, is the first song following the Intro track, the remaining seven pieces – which welcomes the listener with a hellish atmosphere of extreme raw attack that continues throughout the album and concept that drags the listener through a dark journey of lyrical concept theme of “mental damage will never disappear.”

Simultaneously, Tenebrosidad also provides and delivers the listener’s ears with a raw/rotten and breathtakingly solid sound and production within the musical spectrum, which is evilly crafted by Boris’ (of Dominio, Ofiuco, ex-Santo Brujo) and unleashing a powerful — “another raw/unpolished underground sound that volcanoes out one’s speakers”

Tenebrosidad - Cruel juego de la conciencia Review

A musical spectrum that combines the raw, fierceness, dark, and freezing atmosphere of ‘black metal’ and the killing spree/energy and barbed and venomous riffage of ‘thrash metal.’ Tenebrosidad also includes various tempo changes, the full-throttle rhythmic battering of drums, and multiple tempos/moods.

Thus creating this dark, evil, aggressive, raw, brutal, heavy, and non-stop pure adrenaline, energetic and full-throttle extreme metal of pure destruction, carnage, and raw attitude from the moment of play.

Boris’ vocals are an incredible amalgamation of his impressive range, unique style, devilmanship and emotive delivery.

His singing is characterized by powerful and raw energy that electrifies every performance.

When reaching the sixth track, Cruel juego de la conciencia, where the aggression and brutalization of the piece transition into a short, dark virtuoso instrumental of the guitar, before bouncing back with the seventh track and the last two songs. Providing the listener with one more round of the first half of the album.

Tenebrosidad delivers and provides the listener with a brutal attack of a new wave of old-school thrash metal to the table or dragging the listener’s soul back to those -old-school days of early black/thrash metal days.

The album comes to an end with the last song, song name We want to give a shoutout to Tenebrosidad for letting us review his album, Cruel juego de la conciencia. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Cruel juego de la conciencia”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Tenebrosidad is an energetic, headbanging, ear-busting, entertaining release for any old-school/raw black/thrash fan! -not to be missed-

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

If you make dark, evil, and hellish music, you need the artwork to follow the theme. This piece executes the job very well, indeed!

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Tenebrosidad, and his album, Cruel juego de la conciencia.

This concludes the Tenebrosidad, Cruel juego de la conciencia review.

  1. Intro
  2. La última decisión
  3. Bastardo decapitado
  4. Atormentado hasta la muerte
  5. El daño mental jamás desaparecerá
  6. Cruel juego de la conciencia
  7. Se acaba tu vida…se acaba el dolor
  8. Recuerdo con forma de espectro
  9. La última noche
  • Boris Díaz – guitar, vocals, bass, drums
Tenebrosidad - Cruel juego de la conciencia Review