Lamento Eterno – Grief Review

A Raw, Suicidal Black Metal Solo Artist from the US. On April 7th, 2023, Lamento Eterno released his second studio album, Grief, which would gratify fans of Portal (Australia) and Nortt. The album was released through Contra Vita.


Lamento Eterno, Grief: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Grief

Lamento Eterno - Grief Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Poetry written in a dark, damp oubliette or an abandoned graveyard

Immediately soon as the listener presses that play button, the listener is welcomed to the opening piece, Incantation 1. This welcomes the listener to an introductory instrumental of the drum strikes and ritualistic incantation chants, all wrapped in a darkly atmospheric environment.

As one continues their journey with the second piece, Grief I and the remaining six (well-composed inked songs) tracks, the music injects this true grief-stricken grief nightmare that’s raw -yet sombre, dark, depressive, atmospheric symphonic/instrumental black metal upon the listener’s ears.

At the same time, the music feels like stepping into Lamento’s nightmarish mind -due to Grief being the most personal written album, especially with the lyrics for Lamento —simultaneously, this is like stepping into LAMENTO‘s next chapter vortex-nightmare –due to having previously reviewed his other work Charon Kruk -which is like a nightmare of its own!

— again, just like Charon Kruk, — this experimental depressive symphonic black metal comes with an overall warning that not playing this dark message of grief instrumental soundtrack (your most dreadful nightmare) -this forbidden fruit of art -should not be played with lights off nor alone in the dark!

Simultaneously, as I’m listening to the music, inking the review and being possessed by the dark and evil soundscape and soundtrack of grief and despair musical spectrum. With a ritualistic atmosphere surrounding the instrumental and musical composition, which is delivered and crafted by amazing devilmanship and musicianship. Which consists (somewhat less aggressive than “Charon Kruk”)of primitive/dissonance riffage, raw drum strikes/fills and beats/blast-beats (when needed), ritualistic atmospheric soundscape/symphonic keys -where there are moments of the keys coming out to play— simultaneously capturing this Lovecraftian horror soundscape, while the vocal consists of low growls, nightmarish screams and ritualistic chants which is buried deep in the music -giving the whole piece, this symphonic/instrumental feeling.

What helps to capture the grief, depression and sombre feel of the entire music -is that the entire piece was inked in the dark and dreariness of Autumn and Winter of 2022. The injection of various aggression, tempos, moods, and instrumental/vocal composition/characteristics, which are convenient place and right moment -and when needed -thus what captures the authentic musical environment and each song!

Grief‘s production, which is rich in a raw, depressive and dreary atmosphere/sound, while the composing music and instruments are all well-executed—simultaneously as well as the production work – Grief sounds like it was recorded, composed and written in a dark, damp oubliette or an abandoned graveyard

The album comes to an end with the last song, Grief IV. We want to give a shoutout to Lamento Eterno for letting us review his album, Grief. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Grief I”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Grief is a forbidden fruit of extreme music, not for the faint-hearted. Pure horror, torturous, and sombre dark/depressive music that offers the listener’s ears and soul of pure madness and horror through the mind of Lamento, which will please fans of Portal and Nortt.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Which speaks for itself and speaks about the music!

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Lamento Eterno, and his album Grief.

This concludes the Lamento Eterno, Grief review.

  1. Incantation I
  2. Grief I
  3. Incantation II
  4. Grief II
  5. Incantation III
  6. Grief III
  7. Incantation IV
  8. Grief IV
  • MAAR – all compositions/instruments, vocals & lyrics
Lamento Eterno - Grief Review