
Through Mists – Prolific Review

Through Mists is an Extreme and Progressive one-man project from Canada. April 26th, 2024, Through Mists will see the release of his latest EP album, Prolific, which includes four songs and music that will make the listener tear out their insides.


Through Mists, Prolific: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Prolific

Let’s start by discussing the first three sins of Through Mists and his Prolific album.

Through Mists - Prolific Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Music and songs that will make the listener tear out their insides.

The opening piece, The Ride, greets the listener with heavy instrumentals and aggressive vocals when the listener presses the play button.

The listener continues their journey while tearing out their insides with the second piece, In Shattered Mirrors, and the two remaining pieces.

Through Mists is a forbidden fruit of art that takes the listener through a heavy, avant-garde, dark, and aggressive musical spectrum. It immerses the listener’s ears and soul in this intense musical experience.

Prolific will not be easy to listen to for the first time, nor will it be a walk in the park—this music explores the thought of giving yourself over physically, mentally, and spiritually to an ideal that may destroy you, with its under thirty minutes, with the first two tracks clocking in at over three minutes each, the third song lasting over six minutes, and the closing song lasting fourteen minutes.

The instrumentation composition skews the listener into darkness while maintaining a melodious undertone throughout the release. The devilmanship channels aggressive melodies, dissonance, and avant-garde song structures and rhythms by paying homage to and contributing to the advancement of extreme metal. Prolific‘s drum work is intense and primitive, further stressed by using various beats, strikes, fills, and blast beats. The vocals combine crushing growls, aggressive singing, and sinister whispers, creating a spine-chilling atmosphere.

Lyrically, the first three songs on Prolific explore giving yourself over physically, mentally, and spiritually to an ideal that may destroy you.

The ending track sums it up as pursuing fulfilment through persistence and creation in a constantly decaying material world.

For those who seek unique, aggressive, avant-garde, and extreme music, Through Mists’s music is the perfect choice. While it may not be easy, it is worth the effort. So, if you are up for the challenge, try it.

Through Mists’s album is a forbidden fruit of art that will leave you speechless. The music is intense, and the level of aggression is unparalleled.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Prolific, which continues tearing out the insides of the extreme and aggressive music from the first three songs, with added piano and synth for melodies and ambience.

We want to give a shoutout to Through Mists for letting us review his Prolific album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Sporogenesis”


The last Three Sins

Let’s discuss the last three sins, our thoughts on Through Mists and his Prolific album.

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, James has created something fresh, unique, extreme, avant-garde, progressive, and out of the box. At the same time, it feels like James has taken a risk to deliver an album unlike anything else, and this risk has paid off.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Something is unnerving about the artwork

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Through Mists, and his album Prolific.

This concludes the Through Mists, Prolific review.

  1. The Ride
  2. In Shattered Mirrors
  3. Golden Goddess
  4. Prolific
  • James Aniston – everything
Through Mists - Prolific Review