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Vrykolakas – Nocturnal Dominion of Death Review

Vrykolakas is a Death Metal band from Singapore. On April 21st, 2024, the band will release their fifth studio album, Nocturnal Dominion of Death, the spawn of faster, chaotic, darker, haunting and demonic music that would gratify fans of Immolation and Impiety (Singapore). The album was co-released with Satanath Records, Iron Blood and Death Corp.Paragon RecordsFuthark Records and Dan’s Crypt Records (tape)


Vrykolakas, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Vrykolakas - Nocturnal Dominion of Death Review

The First Three Sins of Nocturnal Dominion Of Death

Vrykolakas - Nocturnal Dominion of Death Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: The spawn of faster, chaotic, darker, haunting and demonic music

Before pressing that, play the button and review. Vrykolakas has been unleashing its dark and brutal death metal upon the underground scene for three decades. A band that is a testament to their unwavering dedication to creating murky and dense sounds that leave audiences in awe.

Vrykolakas’ new release, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death, is faster, chaotic, and darker. Its brutal, haunting and demonic undertone will leave you completely mesmerized.

As soon as the listener presses that play button, the opening song, Darkness Consumes The Soul, greets the listener with a brutal onslaught of instrumentation and vocals. As one continues their dark and brutal journey with the second song, Ascension of the Knowledge, and the remaining six pieces.…

Vrykolakas embodies pure evil and devilmanship at the helm of the music. Andy’s vocals are a force to be reckoned with. His vocal performance is intense, aggressive, and powerful, making it feel like he devours the microphone with every word he utters. Khairil‘s (Bestial Colony) brutal guitar work is equally impressive, and Edi’s drumming is a powerful display of complete control over his instrument, with well-timed and forceful beats.

Vrykolakas - Nocturnal Dominion of Death Review

At times, the music slows down, capturing some slow-doom passages that create a sense of foreboding. Sound effects are added to the mix, making it feel like something ominous lurks just around the corner. These brief moments of respite are a welcome relief from the intensity of the music, and they add an extra layer of complexity to the overall sound of Vrykolakas.

Vrykolakas brings chaos and destruction to the listener’s ears with its solidly written and well-crafted releases, which feature lyrical themes that delve into gore, mythology, and Islamic mythology. Production in sound is the most top-notch sound while keeping the music chaotic and brutal and sure to rip-open your eardrums.

Nocturnal Dominion Of Death offers a pure, extreme metal experience from Singapore that will leave an impression. It is a rotting and forbidden fruit of art that should be played at maximum volume to appreciate its enthralling qualities and sickening effect fully.

The album comes to an end with the last song, From the Hellfire Comes the Spawn. We want to give a shoutout to Satanath Records and Vrykolakas for letting us review this/their album, Nocturnal Dominion of Death. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Foretaste The Divine Wrath”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: In line with our previous review of And Vrykolakas Brings Chaos and Destruction, I find that Vrykolakas‘ latest album, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death, is a significant improvement, particularly in terms of sound quality, production, composition, and devilmanship.

The band’s music is not to be missed, as with all their other releases. If you are seeking pure underground extreme metal, this is for you!

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Designed by Armaada Art. It is brutal and hellish and has that splash of old-school. It is perfect artwork that counterbalances the brutal music.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Vrykolakas, and their album Nocturnal Dominion Of Death.

This concludes the Vrykolakas, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death review.

  1. Darkness Consumes the Soul
  2. Ascension of the Knowledge
  3. Foretaste The Divine Wrath
  4. The Forbidden Hope for Death
  5. Hind’s Vengeance at Uhud
  6. Covenants Leading to Sa’ir
  7. Bilateral Venomous Assault
  8. From the Hellfire Comes the Spawn
  • Andy – vocals
  • Khai – guitars
  • Edi – drums
Vrykolakas - Nocturnal Dominion of Death Review