Dreadwood Prophecies – Shadow Realms Review

A Dungeon Synth duo band from the United States. April 28h, 2023, the band released their latest mixtape album, Shadow Realms: A Dungeon Synth Mixtape, which includes ten magical and dark songs that would gratify fans of Quest Master. Released through the band’s label Ravenhold Records.


Dreadwood Prophecies, Shadow Realms: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Shadow Realms

Dreadwood Prophecies - Shadow Realms Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Magical and dark songs of fantasy, tabletop RPGs, and the arcane.

As you listen, you’ll be immersed in the clean sound of keys and the gentle flow of a running stream of the opening piece, The Wizard Is Ruining The Town With His Bulls**t. As the tone and mood shift, you’ll be taken on a journey that sets the tone for the rest of the release. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience.

You may stumble upon a fascinating dungeon synth project as you go deeper into the mysterious and ancient crypt on a courageous mission to defend the universe alongside the noble liches Sirch and Koro. This captivating music seamlessly blends various elements of lo-fi, ambient, electronic, and film scores while simultaneously drawing inspiration from the worlds of fantasy, horror, and tabletop RPGs. The haunting melodies and eerie soundscapes effortlessly transport the listener back to the golden age of 80s horror soundtracks, while evoking the immersive and imaginative feeling of playing Dungeons and Dragons. This shadowy dungeon synth project is a captivating and mesmerizing experience that is not to be missed.

Dreadwood Prophecies - Shadow Realms Review

At the same time, while the music plays this classic (-yet captivating) dungeon synth music, the listener is transported to a world of enchantment and mysticism. The overall experience is elevated, imbued with epic grandeur and magical allure. The production quality is exceptional, with a clean and raw recording that creates the impression of being captured in a tomb of forgotten heroes.

The devilmanship displayed in this piece is genuinely fantastic, showcasing impressive instrumental work with keyboards and synths and a classical perspective with various tones, moods, and atmospheres.

The electronic background and sound effects are inspired by psychedelics, spirituality, and surrealism, adding an extra layer of foundation that immerses you in the music. Including medieval flutes and abyssal drums adds a magical touch to the piece, taking you on a journey through time and space, evoking the ancient tales of knights and dragons and the mysteries of forgotten realms. Overall, this musical fruit of art is a testament to the power of creative expression and the timeless allure of enchantment.

This album is exceptional, featuring ten tracks that showcase a variety of unique personalities. Each track tells an epic tale that culminates in a memorable experience when listened to. It’s a work of art perfect for anyone seeking a rejuvenating and fulfilling musical journey.

Fans of classical dungeon synth music will be especially drawn to this release, as it transports them to surreal and obscure realms where the constraints of reality don’t apply.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Death of a King. We want to give a shoutout to Dreadwood Prophecies for letting us review their Shadow Realms album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Lost Echoes”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, I was indulged in this captivating aura of being whisked away to a realm brimming with wonder and intrigue with the aid of immersive music.

A musical fruit of art, where one can break free from the mundane routine of daily life and delve into the mesmerizing melodies of Shadow Realms: A Dungeon Synth Mixtape. Whether the sky outside is grim or dreary, the enchanting tunes will transport you to a world of solace and serenity. Their remarkable talent deserves recognition, and their music will inspire and take you on a journey through a magical and epic experience.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The two silhouettes are preparing a list and discussing an epic journey they are about to embark on.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Dreadwood Prophecies, and their album Shadow Realms

This concludes the Dreadwood Prophecies, Shadow Realms review.

  1. The Evil Wizard is Ruining the Town with His Bullsh*t
  2. The Great Unraveling
  3. The Wanderer
  4. Somber Longing
  5. Into The Abyss
  6. Swamp Journey
  7. Lost Echoes
  8. Dark Ritual
  9. Patient Montage
  10. Death of a King
  • Sirch & Koro
Dreadwood Prophecies - Shadow Realms Review