Allsiah – Sisters in Arms Brothers in Christ Review

Allsiah – Sisters in Arms Brothers in Christ Review: An Instrumental/Post-black solo artist from the UK. September 9th, 2020, Allsiah released his latest studio single, Sisters in Arms, Brothers in Christ. The album was released through Sonic Transmitter Records.


Allsiah – Sisters in Arms Brothers in Christ Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS. Which consists of multifaceted, powerful, clean/crisp, heavy riffing/chords, ditto rhythm sections, with massive/distortion and feedback while adding (some) progressive/aggressive attitude into the mix.

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves the vocals being omitted.

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS. Which are omitted.

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the single. Immediately after the listener presses that play button, one will find that SISTERS IN ARMS, BROTHERS IN CHRIST, is not for everyone. Still, if you like me and like something different in their blackened doom, this is for you, so sit back and enjoy the experience of one person’s work – to get the best experience, I recommend headphones and picking the right moment.

Moving on with the review, SISTERS IN ARMS, BROTHERS IN CHRIST opens with clean/crisp guitar riffs before moving into this massive, distorted sound; further one travels down this dark hole…

ALLSIAH’s music gets more transfixing, but beautifully (yet) darkly crafted, while the guitar work captures the soul-essence of the piece, there are moments within the music, which include, (combine) the slow, dark, and gloomy atmosphere of blackened doom and post-metal, along with various, moods, tempos, chords with other clean/melodic/rhythm and progressive moments into technique guitar-driven melancholy chords/riff textural soundscape.

In contrast, long-duration drone tones/sounds give the music extra depth and dimension/body, while the guitar playing/work is beautifully crafted and played.

At the same time, the devilmanship is top-notch and fantastic from start to finish.

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. How ALLSIAH has recorded the entire song live and in one continuous track.

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. There is something about the cover, transfixing like the music.

Finally, closing the review with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH. Since there is nothing to disrelish within the musical world of  ALLSIAH. This concludes the Allsiah – Sisters in Arms Brothers in Christ Review.

Sisters in Arms, Brothers in Christ Song-listing:

  1. Sisters in Arms, Brothers in Christ

Allsiah Members:

  • Unknown