
Black 7 – The 2nd Chapter Review

Black 7 is a German Guitarist and Solo artist. On November 17th, 2023, Black 7 released his second studio album, The 2nd Chapter. The album includes eleven melodic instrumental heavy rock songs that would gratify fans of Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, and Gary Moore. It was released through SODEH Records.


Black 7, The 2nd Chapter: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of The 2nd Chapter

Black 7 - The 2nd Chapter Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Both technically demanding & emotionally resonant, creating an immersive atmosphere

As soon as the listener hits the play button, they are greeted with a burst of energy from the opening title song, Driven. An opening piece that showcases fiery and intricate guitar riffs, accompanied by hard-hitting drums that are interspersed with delicate piano inserts.

As one embarks on their instrumental journey with the second piece, For This Moment, and the remaining nine pieces…

The 2nd Chapter takes the listener’s ears and soul on a mesmerising ride through dark, melodic, and symphonic compositions. Each piece has its unique character and mood. It is carefully crafted to offer an ear-to-ear perfection of a perfect blend of heavy rock, orchestral, and progressive elements that alternate between fast and mellow passages, powerful sections, and moments of quiet relaxation.

The 2nd Chapter represents a significant advancement from the artist’s debut album, Look Inside, showcasing the fruit of art’s labour in perfect harmony. The music is skilfully composed, with each mood, musical element, and structure added at precisely the right moment. The listener is never rushed, never bored, and never subjected to repetitive elements. Instead, they are treated to a musical experience that is both uplifting and beautiful, with each piece offering a unique identity that is entirely its own.

The absence of lyrics in the album doesn’t detract from its ability to tell a captivating story. The album captures listeners’ emotions and thoughts through its instrumental elements, leading them through dark and emotional landscapes. The music’s technical demands are met with emotionally resonant guitar riffs, powerful solo guitar virtuoso, and driving drum rhythms; the evocative piano passages and symphonic elements add depth and emotional intensity to the music — all composed with the fruit of art-devilmanship.

Each piece is crafted with its character and mood, creating an immersive atmosphere that draws the listener in. The music is well written and arranged, taking the listener on an emotional rollercoaster. Each mood, musical element, and structure is added at precisely the right moment, (again) never rushed, never dull, and never repetitive. The album seamlessly alternates between fast-paced sections and mellow passages, powerful moments full of energy and life, epic and nodding-of-head moments, and quiet, relaxing, beautiful, and uplifting interludes.

The 2nd Chapter is a delightful and captivating release that demands immediate attention, much like the Look Inside album. It beckons you to indulge in a serene evening indoors or outdoors, perhaps on a cosy porch, with a refreshing drink and the opportunity to unwind while enjoying the world’s beauty. Alternatively, it inspires creativity and can be the perfect companion during those peaceful evenings spent creating art.

Lars Totzke‘s musical journey encompasses a unique blend of instrumental rock music, allowing him to achieve extraordinary artistic growth. His music is a harmonious fusion of dark, melodic, powerful, and symphonic sounds that captivate any avid listener. With his music, Lars skillfully demonstrates the profound and expressive power of music without words, evoking a range of emotions that will leave you spellbound.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Confused Harmony. We want to give a shoutout to Black 7 for letting us his album, The 2nd Chapter. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Light Flow”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, The 2nd Chapter is a symphony of sound expertly crafted to offer a powerful and emotive journey. With each piece carefully constructed to provide a unique listening experience, the album is a testament to the artist’s skill and passion—taking listeners on an emotional rollercoaster.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork is grand despite its simplicity.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Black 7, and their album The 2nd Chapter.

This concludes the Black 7, The 2nd Chapter review.

  1. Driven
  2. For This Moment
  3. Push
  4. Tortured Souls
  5. Wide Eruption
  6. Breathing Space
  7. Break Up
  8. Above The Sky
  9. Light Flow
  10. Dark Hope
  11. Confused Harmony
  • Lars Totzke – guitars, songwriting, production
Black 7 - The 2nd Chapter Review