
Black Spells – Transcend To Ascend Review

A Black Metal band from the United States. On April 10th, 2023, Black Spells independently released their debut studio album, Transcend To Ascend, which felt like it was crafted in the old ways and the old days. The album was promoted through Shred Storm PR.


Black Spells, Transcend To Ascend: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Black Spells - Transcend To Ascend Review

The First Three Sins of Transcend To Ascend

Black Spells - Transcend To Ascend Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Offering raw and traditional black metal inspired by the second wave of black metal

Immediately, as the listener presses the play button, the listener is greeted with a captivating opening piece, Intro, which introduces the acoustic guitar.

The following track, Hails To The Infernal Kult, initially creates a false sense of security before the subsequent five tracks unleash tension and overwhelming devastation.

As the listener embarks on a daunting and thought-provoking journey, Black Spells presents six tracks offering raw and traditional black metal inspired by the second wave of black metal. The intense sound that emanates from this album is not for the faint of heart and has the power to awaken the dead, summoning forth flames and sulphur that will engulf the listener in a deluge of sound. This record is an indispensable addition to the music collection of those who appreciate forceful, commanding, excessive, obscure, and malevolent compositions.

Transcend To Ascend is an impressive fusion of traditional black and in tone, technicality and raw aggression of death metal. Even the occasional thrash and heavy metal flourishes can be found/heard within the music.

The album consists of six pieces of raw and extreme music. Each track takes the listener on a journey to the depths of the underworld, creating a seamless sonic experience. The skilled instrumentalists have carefully crafted various tones, moods, and atmospheres, enhancing the album’s overall composition with their impeccable production skills. The exceptional devilmanship skills exhibited in the music composition are notable.

The guitar riffs are carefully crafted to create a captivating, intense atmosphere with a grim and highly tuned sound, perfectly complemented by the deep and resonant bassline. The drum beats are dry and straightforward yet effective, providing a solid foundation for the rest of the instruments. The vocals are powerful and dominant, delivering malevolent and hellish incantations that cut through each track like sharp blades. Combining all these elements culminates in a genuinely captivating musical experience that will leave listeners in awe. Overall, this album is perfect for anyone who appreciates pure, traditional black metal with a hint of death metal blended into the mix.

It is best enjoyed at a high volume, and repeated listens are encouraged due to its relatively short runtime.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Sign of the Antichrist. We want to give a shoutout to Shred Storm for letting us review Black Spells and their album, Transcend To Ascend. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, The musical spectrum exhibits an almost unearthed quality reminiscent of a forgotten black metal fruit of art from the 1990s. As if it were stumbled upon in an abandoned residence’s neglected and humid basement.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

When crafting traditional black metal with an authentic, old-school feel, there’s nothing quite like having artwork that complements your sound flawlessly. Creating an album cover that captures the true essence of your music is crucial in drawing your audience deeper into your world.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Black Spells, and their album Transcend To Ascend.

This concludes the Black Spells, Transcend To Ascend review.

  • Nythroth – strings
  • Plaguehammer – drums
  • Black Priest of the Goat – vocals
Black Spells - Transcend To Ascend Review