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Would you like us to review your music/work? Hi there! We’re glad that you’re interested in sending us a review request. Before you proceed, please take a moment to review our privacy policy page. Your role in this process is crucial, as ensuring the safety and security of all our users is essential to us. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Thank you for being so understanding!
**Before submitting your review request, please provide the additional information below, Not all information is required, but (if you can) provide whatever is possible.**
(01) Your social links: Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Homepage or any other social links, that would help.
(02) Available MP3 files (An MP3 format would be preferable, if feasible.) or Bandcamp codes.
(03) If you’re signed to a Label, please provide their name and any links
(04) A (PDF or Word doc.) biography/History/Information, that can be easy to translate or in English
(05) (JPG/PNG) Album(s), Band(s) and Logo artwork
(06) Details of your line-up, including any guests.
(07) Please provide what style/genre you play. If you have created your ‘own’ style or genre, we will accept it. (*E.G. Blackened Dragon Metal)
(08) A date for the review to be published: standard, particular/specific date
(09) Not as importing. If you can decide, who your music would appeal to, or who your heroes are.
(10) And, if available: Any information regarding the tracks, artwork, or lyrical concept or Anything else you wish to add to the review?
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Athenaeum Of Sin is committed to complying with copyright laws. If you own any content we have posted on our site and object to its display, please email us to inform us of the issue. We will promptly remove the file in question upon receiving your request.
***All rights reserved for any band(s)/Artist(s) or the label(s). Athenaeum Of Sin has no rights to any audio(s) and image(s) on this site.***
Thank You
Thank you for visiting the Athenaeum Of Sin Reviews. We hope you enjoyed your visit. Our website is a passion project, and we do not advertise or accept money from anyone. Life is already too cluttered, and we want to create an unbiased platform that provides honest reviews.