Cursed Eternity – Işığın Ardınd Review

Cursed Eternity – Işığın Ardınd Review: A Depressive Black Metal band from Türkiye. December 13th, 2020, saw the band release their second studio album, Işığın Ardınd, which includes eight dark and suicide songs that would gratify fans of Shining, Nortt, Xasthur, and Thy Light. The album was released through Toxin Music.


Cursed Eternity – Işığın Ardınd Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS. Which consists of a twin/triple-guitar of repetitive and frequently droning of the (additional aggression/progression of the) guitars, with dark rhythm/ melodious, with additional synths/keys.

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves reverberated screaming and despairing wailing of the death.

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of cold, aggressive, and pounding drum rhythms/beats.

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the album. Immediately after the listener presses the play button, one is welcomed to the intro track SONSUZA KADAR LANETLI, which welcomes the listener to their last moment of existence of life and a passage of the dark (droning) atmosphere riffs and sorrowful keys.

Follower suit with the second track, IŞIĞIN ARDINDA well, the first song following the intro piece, openings with an opening of clean riffs and keys; after a few seconds, unholy screams are unleashed upon the listener, while the remaining track and the seven tracks – provide the listener with this sorrowfully blackened -Esque funeral doom atmosphere feel of adding influential elements of early-BURZUM, NORTT, and SHINING (Sweden) and many more into their dark and dreary music.

The mind, thus, once liberated, can abandon itself to vision. Ultimately from the observation of the prodigy of dormant nature” and music that consists of a ritualistic blend of creating an intense, darkly engaging, and dramatic atmosphere, in an exquisite cinematic horror film score and experimental material -which includes various compositions, such as; sound fx/samples & sound effects, sinister synth/keys, spoken audio clips and clean female (-Esque ghostly) vocals/dark-ominous ritual (male) chants, various moods, arcane rites, sorrowful atmosphere and spooky/horror sound fx and other multiple elements can be found within the music.

While all this dark and sorrowful and depressing atmosphere of extreme music courses through your speakers, IŞIĞIN ARDINDA adds slow (clean/moving) moments of doom and gloom, ambient passages of synth/keyboards, heavy-droning and aggressive (yet energetic)/melodic parts, spoken words/ghostly whispers, epic and pounding drums of death, vocals that send a cold-shiver down one’s spine and providing the listener with a captivating deliverance of true/raw and depressive black metal under one ghostly blanket of sorrow, haunting and pure darkness of top-notch devilmanship, excellently written lyrics and the arrangement of the music/instrumentation and album is top-notch – giving the listener a pure un’lightment of pure depressive black metal, that will consume one’s soul.

If you like black metal that is depressive, cold, sad, and raw – this is for you.

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. The music soaks you with pure un’lightment of pure depressive black and, at the same time, provides the listener with a true dark experience journey.

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. Cold and dark, very similar to “Thy Ligh” artwork (so does the band logo).

Finally, the review will close with the last sin the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH. With nothing to disrelish within the musical world of  CURSED IN ETERNITY. This concludes the Cursed Eternity – Işığın Ardınd Review.

Işığın Ardında Song-listing:

  1. Sonsuza Kadar Lanetl
  2. Işığın Ardında
  3. İnandığımız Yalanlar
  4. Umutsuzluğa Haykırış
  5. Son Fısıltı
  6. Karanlığın İçinden
  7. Bir Daha Mı?
  8. Yaprak
  9. Son Mektup

Cursed In Eternity Members:

  • Margen (guitar, back vocals)
  • Morkeskred (lead guitar)
  • Ensomulv (vocals)
  • Scream (drums)
  • Sorgfull (rhythm guitar)