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Dangerous Times for the Dead – Storm The Castle Review


Dangerous Times for the Dead – Storm The Castle Review: A Traditional Heavy Metal Band from the Netherlands. On December 14th, 2020, Dangerous Times For The Dead released their latest independent single, Storm The Castle, which would gratify Dio, Iron Maiden, Saxon and Judas Priest fans.


Dangerous Times for the Dead – Storm The Castle Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS, which comprise heavy twin and powerful riffs filled with melodies, groovy and progressive chords, epic fretboard solos, and thumping bass hooks.

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves howling metal screams and pure/clean metal singing.

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of thumping drum patterns and floor peddle beats

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the single. STORM THE CASTLE is an epic soring-call to power and a metal rebel yell song; as soon as the listener presses the play button, one is welcome to the sound of chains against the wind, the sound of swords and knights preparing for battle on horseback (thus getting this DIO and HOLY DIVER vibe)

The music kicks into this wormhole delight, giving the listener the mighty sound of classic heavy metal, European power metal that mixes elements of IRON MAIDEN, DIO, early RAINBOW, KING DIAMOND, and JUDAS PRIEST.

Simultaneously, the single and the band genuinely capture something honestly with their music; the band puts so much effort to bring their music to life in this elaborate manner of adding sound fx, guitar hero riffs/solos, epic drumming, vocals to die for and powerful lyrical content and excellent devilmanship – while keeping the music fresh, loud, epic, modern with the traits of old-school, at the same time.

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. The excellent guitar playing and lyric theme

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. The artwork is epic and wild.

Finally, the review will close with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH. Since there is nothing to disrelish within the musical world of DANGEROUS TIMES FOR THE DEAD, this concludes the Dangerous Times for the Dead – Storm The Castle Review.

If you enjoy the forbidden fruit of DANGEROUS TIMES FOR THE DEAD‘s allure and want to indulge in more similar readings, then don’t miss out on checking out these other reviews of DANGEROUS TIMES FOR THE DEADTRIPLE SINGLE, QUEEN OF THE NIGHT, FATHER TIMEAS THE IRON CURTAIN FALLSSHOT INTO SPACE and SCUTTLES.

Single Song-listing:

  1. Storm the Castle

DT4TD Members:

  • Bjørn Ciggaar (vocals, synthesizer)
  • Thijs Bouwman (guitar)
  • Dave Pilon (guitar)
  • Gerrit Procée (bass)
  • Jeroen Vermeer (drums)

Posted in Heavy/Power/Speed Metal

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