
Dimwind – The Futility Of Breathing Review

Dimwind is a Post-Metal duo project from Sweden. On April 21st, 2023, Dimwind released their second album, The Futility Of Breathing, a follow-up to the story from their debut album Slow Wave Violence by exploring a state of grief after losing a loved one.


Dimwind, The Futility Of Breathing: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of The Futility Of Breathing

Dimwind - The Futility Of Breathing Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Exploring a state of grief after losing a loved one.

Before the listener presses that play button, The Futility Of Breathing is a follow-up to the story from their debut album, Slow Wave Violence, by exploring a state of grief after losing a loved one. But one suffered a tragedy during the album’s creation when Andreas‘ wife suddenly passed away. An unforeseen crisis can turn someone’s life upside down. The fact that the painful emotions that wash over one in such a case fit so eerily with the theme they were already weaving into the music made the whole situation even more elusive. Andreas’s struggle is still daily, but making music in general and this album, in particular, proved vital.

As soon as the listener presses that play button— simultaneously just like their debut release, this music should be played at the right moment; submerge yourself deep into the music, close your eyes and witness the mood, the pain, and the grief of the first opening piece First Light Never Says and the five pieces of taking the listener on an instrumental journey.

As one continues their journey, -where one will find that Dimwind is a dreamscape that is relaxing and mesmerising from the moment of pressing that play button— simultaneously, the musical spectrum and the instrumental artistry that is found and scored/composed on this release is that same magical content from their debut release -a release that unfolds in front of the listener’s ears of an avast textural soundscape of post-metal that float effortlessly over adjacent genres, creating a unique and intriguing soundscape of mournful melancholy, and high energy music.

The Futility Of Breathing consists of heavy and soft moments, various tones, and moods/volume within the guitar, which involves dark harmonies, calm, robust metallic (progressive) riffs, and rhythms.

Heavy-post-rock drum work that’s dynamic and rhythms alternate with warm -yet dismal/sorrowful atmospheric passages/keys and pianissimo to fortissimo sections. Unlike Dimwind’s debut, (“where I won’t say which two songs, I leave that to the listen, to enjoy the surprise”) spoken words are induced, which adds more depth and emotional atmosphere to both pieces.

Further, one goes into The Futility Of Breathing musical spectrum, deep within the complexity of this passion fruit of artistry. It consists of six equally solid, strongly composed, picturesque songs—well written, along with awe-inspiring/beautiful compositions of the music and instruments, all provided and delivered (again) by a fruit of art devilmanship that provides top-notch production in a crisp and fresh sound.

The album comes to an end with the last song, A Feeble Frame Remains. We want to give a shoutout to Dimwind for letting us review their album, The Futility Of Breathing. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “The Futility Of Breathing


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Just like their debut release Slow Wave Violence, Dimwind‘s follow-up release The Futility Of Breathing is equal and genuinely powerful, transfixing and entertaining (surprising) from the moment of play. Drawing the listener deep within the music that also fresh, exciting, appealing, epic, awe-inspiring opus of such magnitude and a genre-defying approach that captures the band member’s soul and creativity within the music. Especially capturing the grief of losing someone close.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Just like their debut release, the artwork has this meaningful -yet stronger […]

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Dimwind, and their album The Futility Of Breathing.

This concludes the Dimwind, The Futility Of Breathing review.

  1. First Light Never Stays
  2. Days Subside Ablaze
  3. Once A Lushful Green
  4. Withering Unseen
  5. The Growing Shadow Gains
  6. A Feeble Frame Remains
  • Andreas Hansen – guitar
  • Jonas Eriksson – drums
Dimwind - The Futility Of Breathing Review