
Droidglow – Ghost Of You Review

Droidglow is a Darksynth/Cyberpunk producer and guitarist (solo artist) from Italy. On November 17th, 2023, He released his latest single, Ghost Of You, which will gratify fans of Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, and eighties horror film soundtracks. The single was released through Lazerdiscs Records.


Droidglow, Ghost Of You: This review will evaluate every aspect of the single, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this single is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Ghost Of You

Droidglow - Ghost Of You Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: A song that truly captures the essence of electrifying music.

When the listener presses the play button, Ghost Of You greets the listener with synth-driven, hard-hitting drums and electrifying riffs.

As the music progresses, the pace begins to transient into this fusion of darkwave, EBM, Cyberpunk electro and heavy metal instrumentation complemented by the enchanting voice of a female singer, Liz Van Gretsch.

Liz Van Gretsch‘s singing perfectly captures the haunting and thrilling essence of the song. The electrifying strings of the guitar create an almost palpable sensation, while the song’s intense rhythm pumps through your veins like a shot of adrenaline.

You cannot help but be drawn in by the captivating energy of the music and Liz‘s mesmerising singing. Before you know it, your head is nodding along to the beat, completely lost at the moment.

Once again, the production and devilmanship of this piece are a fruit of art. Again, the production sound is clear and fresh, with each note and instrument perfectly executed to create a stunningly beautiful composition.

The devilmanship on display here is exceptional, creating a truly harmonious and cohesive piece of music. The diligence is evident in every element of the production, devilmanship, from the complex harmonies to the intricate rhythms, resulting in a truly remarkable musical experience.

Discover a whole new level of tone and atmosphere with Ghost Of You! This latest release starkly contrasts the electrifying Street Of Madness, so you can expect a unique experience.

Now the single as come to an end. We want to give a shoutout to Droidglow for letting us review his Ghost Of You single. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Ghost Of You”


The last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Ghost Of You, is a song that truly captures the essence of electrifying music. The music draws you in with infectious beats, captivating singing, and electrifying guitar playing.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork transports you back to the golden age of horror movies in the eighties. Recreated the sinister, spine-chilling ambience that these movies were known for. But, I see Dario Argento‘s horror work visually in the artwork.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Droidglow, and his Ghost Of You single.

This concludes the Droidglow, Ghost Of You review.

  1. Ghost Of You
  • Droidglow – everything
  • Liz Van Gretsch – guest vocalist
Droidglow - Ghost Of You Review