Earthwomb – Becoming Immanence Review

Earthwomb – Becoming Immanence Review: A Black Metal band from Peru. The band was formed in 2017 and released two singles. On October 7th, 2021, the band independently released their debut EP album, Becoming Immanence.


Eopens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS. Which consists of dual guitars of aggressive riffing & tremolo pickings, additional dark melodic atmosphere moments, and a devastating ethereal sound.

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves raw, piercing vocals

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of consistent drum strikes and blast beats

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the album. Immediately the listener hits the play button, one is welcome to a cosmic nightmarish journey, where each piece tells a story that folds into one concept.

Opening with the opening (instrumental) track, COSMIC REVELATION, which welcomes the listener with a heavier atmosphere soundscape.

Followed closely behind the second track, FRACTAL PHENOMENON is the first song following the intro track – with a welcoming of speed-driven drumming, tremolo picking of the guitar, and intense vocals that continue throughout the remaining release (apart from piece four, which is an instrumental)

Continuing with one’s journey, EARTHWOMB captures something within their music, which is “the music” something that could be interpreted subjectively according to the person who listens to the band’s material – which playing atmospheric black metal with the band’s musical backgrounds rooted to other genres such as death metal, electronic and post-rock, allowing their sound to be brutal, atmospheric and cinematic.

Simultaneously, adding additional characteristics such as; melodic sections, clean – but dark passages of the guitar, heavy in sound with an aggressive attitude, various moods/tempos, filling of dynamics and technical finesse – all added at the right moment/when needed – thus delivering a perfect atmospheric black metal, with top-notch devilmanship, along with a production that’s raw with a modern-sounding vibe and seven equally solid, strongly composed songs with a concept theme that seeks to portray the relationship between the Earth and its foundation (matrix) from a mystic, constructivist and vitalist point of view, in that sense, where (piece one) COSMIC REVELATION embodies the instant of chaos before creation (piece two) FRACTAL PHENOMENON refers to the creation itself of a mystic time, (piece three) WALKSCAPES to the formation of spaces and territory, (piece four) TRESPASSING THE PARAGONS OF CONSCIOUSNESS appeals to the origin of organisms that populate that territory; ulterior revelation then beholds the chaotic interaction between the organisms and the land, (piece five) THE GATHERING then embodies the war of these forces, (piece seven) VITAL FLUX closes the story by presenting the idea of life and imminent energy “time, space, life, war, and energy are the main components of absolute Immanence, asymmetric archè, ens realissimum, undetermined plane of existence, destructive and creator.

“For us, and quoting Deleuze, Immanence is a life. Everything we’ve contemplated conceptually in our EP (time, space, life, war, energy) is a component of Immanence as complex life. Nevertheless, this is not a chant to an existent life but an invocation to the death of this world’s paradigm to create meaning and life. Immanence is the concept that embodies the relation between Earth and origin/matrix/womb, and it allows us to think in mystic and constructivist directions of the world from an esoteric perspective.”[Earthwomb]

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. The devilmanship, music/sound, and concept

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN.. As the title of the album is BECOMING IMMANENCE —the image in the small box looks like an Effigy, and the rest of the artwork speaks about the lyrics/concept of the music.

Finally, the review will close with the last sin THE SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH. With nothing to disrelish within the musical world of EARTHWOMB. This concludes the Earthwomb – Becoming Immanence Review.

Becoming Immanence Song-listing:

  1. Cosmic Revelation (instrumental)
  2. Fractal Phenomenon
  3. Walkscapes
  4. Trespassing the Paragons of Consciousness (instrumental)
  5. The Gathering
  6. Ulterior Revelation (instrumental)
  7. Vital Flux

Earthwomb Members:

  • Eduardo Yalán (guitar)
  • Pedro Zamalloa (guitar & programming)
  • Giancarlo Melgar (vocals)