Fallen Choir – The Malevolent Waltz Review

A Symphonic Black Metal solo artist from the United States. August 7th, 2023 saw Falling Choir independently release his debut studio album The Malevolent Waltz, which includes eight heavy, aggressive, orchestral nature songs, that would gratify fans of Dimmu Borgir, Emperor and Cradle Of Filth. Promoted through GlobMetal Promotion.


Fallen Choir, The Malevolent Waltz: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Fallen Choir - The Malevolent Waltz Review

The First Three Sins of The Malevolent Waltz

Fallen Choir - The Malevolent Waltz Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: A hauntingly beautiful waltz, of heavy, aggressive orchestral black metal.

Soon the listener immediately presses the play button and is greeted by the grandeur of the orchestral introduction of The Fall. The symphonic sound engulfs you, creating a sense of anticipation for what’s to come. It’s a welcoming invitation to immerse yourself in the piece and experience the fullness of the music.

One continues with the second song, Devil’s Plea, and the six songs that welcome the listener’s ears and soul on the concept journey, which portrays the horrendous truths of the world created by greed, power, and religion.

The Malevolent Waltz is a piece of art often considered a forbidden fruit due to its unique nature. The music is characterized by its grim and cold tone, which starkly contrasts the mid-pace tempo and occasional changes in speed that make listening to it an enjoyable experience. The composition perfectly blends melodic and symphonic black metal with a touch of the old-school black metal days reminiscent of bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, and Cradle Of Filth.

The haunting melody and intricate instrumentation create a truly immersive experience for the listener, taking them through a dark and twisted realm. The Malevolent Waltz is a fruit of black metal art that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who dares to listen.

Fallen Choir - The Malevolent Waltz Review

When you listen to The Fallen Choir, the listener is transported to a world of dark, ominous, haunting, and mesmerizing sounds. The instrumental and vocal artistry display incredible skill and precision, delivering a powerful and gruesome melodic riffage that will send shivers down your spine. The dark melodies are punctuated by tremolo pickings and fret-board solos that seem to grow from an ill-boding symphonic/orchestral work, creating a sense of foreboding that is hard to shake off. The drum work is equally impressive, providing a solid mid-piece foundation with various beats and fills that are both intricate and dark.

The vocals are a standout feature of the whole piece, with old-school black metal-influenced gremlin screams that are both chilling and surprisingly understandable. The Fallen Choir showcases its creators’ immense talent and creativity.

The music production is of excellent quality, with each of the eight songs showcasing well-crafted compositions and expertly played instruments. The mixing and mastering of the sound are top-class, resulting in a polished and powerful release that will satisfy even the most discerning fans of black metal. The music’s heavy, aggressive, orchestral nature is perfectly captured in this full-on, hateful-headbanging album, making it an essential addition to any metalhead’s collection.

The album comes to an end with the last song, My Despair. We want to give a shoutout to GlobMetal for letting us review the Fallen Choir and his album, The Malevolent Waltz. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Existence Becomes Disease”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, The album left us in awe with its raw, unfiltered energy, captivating melodies, and darkly powerful atmosphere. The tracks are a testament to the impeccable devilmanship of the band, drawing inspiration from the classic and old-school styles of black metal while incorporating modern and symphonic elements.

The result is a hauntingly beautiful fruit of art that will leave any black/extreme metal fan spellbound.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Portrays a sad and chilling vibe, taking inspiration from the traditional black style that dates back to the early days of art. Dark colours and shadows create an intense atmosphere, evoking a sense of mystery and intrigue. The artwork has a story to tell, one that is shrouded in darkness and intrigue, waiting for the viewer to unravel its secrets.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Fallen Choir, and their album The Malevolent Waltz.

This concludes the Fallen Choir, The Malevolent Waltz review.

  1. The Fall
  2. Devil’s Plea
  3. Burn The Witch
  4. The Malevolent Waltz
  5. Avarice
  6. Religious Purification
  7. Existence Becomes Disease
  8. My Despair
  • Cory Naegeli – everything
Fallen Choir - The Malevolent Waltz Review