Gentle Beast – Vampire Witch Reptilian… Review

Gentle Beast is a Swiss Stoner Doom band. On March 7th, 2025, and promoted through The Metallist PR, and released through Sixteentimes Music, Gentle Beast released their second full-length, titled “Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier (… From Outer Space),”

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Gentle Beast – Vampire Witch Reptilian… Review

Gentle Beast, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier Review: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier

Let’s start by discussing the first three sins of Gentle Beast and their album, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier

The First Sin, The Strings/Keys: Features dual guitar work, utilizing heavy stoner-progressive, desert rock and distorted riffs with psychedelic melodies and interludes. The doom-bass, often at the forefront, adds a sense of weight and richness… The Second Sin, The Vocals: The vocals are raw and gritty, exuding a powerful and spherical quality. The Third Sin—The Percussions: The drums serve as the foundation, delivering a dynamic and powerful groove that propels the rhythm forward while enhancing the band’s heavy, otherworldly atmosphere.

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion:

All about stoned witches, vengeful buffaloes, roaming mammoths, and lost space travellers, deliberately omitting no stoner rock clichés

As soon as the listener presses the button, the opening piece Planet Drifter greets the listener with a stoner-progressive instrumental and powerful vocals that carry throughout the remaining eight pieces. 

Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier… runs for over forty-three minutes, spread across nine songs, that embodies this heavy fuzz-fuelled odyssey. Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier… takes the listener on a wild lyrical journey (always with a wink) about stoned witches, vengeful buffaloes, roaming mammoths, and lost space travellers, deliberately omitting no stoner rock clichés. Combined with an examination of serious topics such as meritocracy, climate change, and conspiracy theories, the record also aims to strike a critical note.

Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier, is a fruit of art release, where the songwriting feels unhurried, with each composition timed perfectly, allowing every band member to shine in their role. And within this composition and arrangement showcases a blend of instrumental composition, devilmanship, and musical artistry embodying a captivating journey. Characterized by providing the listener’s ears with an instrumental composition that includes dual guitar work of Manuel Ciofalo and Janek Huschke that’s saturated the music with heavy stoner-progressive, desert rock, and distorted riffs/psychedelic-laden soundscapes. 

This combination forms a formidable wall of sound that merges intense power with psychedelic and spacy melodies and interludes, enriching their music with depth and texture. Tobias Rickli heavy doom-bass playing, often at the forefront, adds a sense of weight and richness, harmonizing effortlessly with the guitars and drums. Alexander Streit’s drum work serves as a solid foundation, delivering a dynamic and powerful groove that propels the music forward while enhancing the band’s heavy, otherworldly fuzz-fuelled odyssey atmosphere. 

Over on vocals, is Timo Dinter providing the music with raw and gritty vocals, exuding a powerful and spherical quality. Meanwhile, the synths elevate their psychedelic essence, weaving an atmospheric layer that evokes a sense of space and mystique throughout their songs.

Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier, emerges as a formidable collection that weaves together various musical influences, echoing the essence of bands like Beastwars, the stoner doom outfit hailing from New Zealand. The soundscape is enriched with nods to Kyuss and Acid Witch, and a few others, creating a fusion of psychedelic and space rock that captivates the senses. A standout moment occurs in one track, where a synth passage strikingly evokes the legendary melody of The Animals‘ “House of the Rising Sun,” inviting listeners to discover it for themselves.

What truly sets this band and their album apart is their ability to command attention; each song reveals a distinct blend of sounds, moods, and tempos that contribute to an enthralling auditory journey.

As the album comes to a closing piece, The Last Smoke. As the music weeps away, we would like to thank The Metallist PR for allowing us to review Gentle Beast and their album, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier.


The Last Three Sins

Let’s discuss the last three sins of Gentle Beast and their album, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia:

In my view, Gentle Beast‘s album, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier, stands out as a fruit of art. Although I’m not typically drawn to stoner metal, I found this album to be worth both a listen and a mention. I particularly enjoyed the fourth track, Witch of the Mountain, which evoked the vibes of Acid Witch through its captivating audio clip of the Witch. Each song brought something unique to the table, and I couldn’t help but wish for an additional track that mirrored the essence of the fourth piece.

Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier is an album that deserves attention and is an enjoyable listen to.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork is a creative expression that encapsulates the entire theme and essence of the music. Simultaneously, it has an appearance reminiscent of a comic or book.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

There is nothing to dislike in the musical offerings of Gentle Beast and their album, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier. Thus, we conclude our review of Gentle Beast and their album, Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your time in reading this article. I encourage you to explore the work of The Metallist PR, Sixteentimes Music, and the band Alzhagoth and their album, Ad Finem.


Tobias Rickli: bass
Manuel ‘Cloffi’ Clofalo: guitar
Janek Huschke: guitar, b. vocals
Timo Dinter: vocals
Alexander Streit: drums, keyboards


01. Planet Drifer
02. Voodoo Hoodoo Space Machine
03. Mammoth Roams
04. Witch of the Mountain
05. Lodestone
06. Endless
07. Riding Waves of Karma
08. Revenge of the Buffalo
09. The Last Smoke

Gentle Beast – Vampire Witch Reptilian… Review