Gorgons Alter – Arcane and Abel Review


A Dungeon Synth solo artist from the United States. On June 8th, 2024, Gorgons Altar released his latest studio album, “Arcane and Abel,” creating epic songs of dark fantasy mashed with cosmic horrors that would gratify dungeon synth fans.

Gorgons Alter, Arcane and Abel: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Arcane and Abel

Gorgons Alter - Arcane and Abel Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: An immortal has been called to a village by no name to destroy an ancient plague

The opening piece, Pyramid Builders on the Rings of Gas Giants, immediately draws the listener in with its unique soundscape, eerie echoes, otherworldly tones, and atmospheric keys, all underpinned by the crunching guitars. The remaining seven pieces continue this immersive experience, transporting you to a world of the unknown.

In my previous article discussing Gorgon Alter and his latest release, Howl At the Old Gods, it’s evident that Arcane and Abel have charted a new course with this album. While Gorgon Alter maintains his distinctive synths and continues to craft his dark ambient and fantasy synth music. This time, Gorgon Alter has also infused (for the release) a unique blend of atmospheric sludge, slow-heavy-crushing doom, stoner, and the distortion of drone elements with his dark ambient and fantasy synth music/soundscape. This unique blend of genres is a thrilling journey that intrigues and excites listeners.

Again, Gorgons Alter is a mesmerising auditory experience that pushes the boundaries of musical creativity. It integrates various genres precisely, resulting in a hypnotic and formidable sound that leaves listeners in awe of its sheer musical ingenuity.

Gorgons Alter has once again crafted a truly unique and evocative musical soundtrack. This release transports listeners to horror, sci-fi, and epic adventure with its impeccably executed composition and instrumentation. Each track offers a distinct experience — the fourth piece, Plague Bathers, where unsettling vocals and ominous keys create a palpable sense of fear that will make your heart race—essentially the song’s lore. The hero of the story, the immortal, has been called to a village by no name to destroy an ancient plague that’s finally shown itself. It infects a young girl as she swims in the lake, the plague’s home. It quickly spreads once she returns to her village, melting down and fusing the entire village population into one gigantic Kaiju of wailing carcasses.

Like his other works, Gorgon Alter’s production value and sound quality are well-executed with this modern framework spread across various programs such as phones, tablets, and laptops. However, the musical spectrum inside the framework is underground and unpolished in a contemporary and DIY setup.

Gorgon Alter’s infusion of dark ambient and fantasy synth music elevates the genre with its unparalleled sound, composition, tones, atmosphere and other genres/elements. The flawless execution and delivery of this musical fruit of art are showcased through impeccable scoring and instrument composition. A testament to Gorgon Alter‘s artistry and devilmanship. Every element seamlessly intertwines, perfectly balanced and timed, ensuring that each instrumental component shines without overshadowing the others – a remarkable achievement that will impress and appreciate the audience.

If you like dark fantasy/epic soundtracks or dark ambient/synth work, Gorgon Altar‘s work and music are for you.

The album ends with the last song, Deer Huntress. We thank Gorgons Alter for letting us review his album Arcane and Abel. We will wrap it up by discussing the final three sins and concluding the review.

You’re Listening to “Arcane and Abel”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us? Gorgon Alter‘s music exudes an epic and enthralling energy that resonates deeply within me. The incorporation of distortion throughout the release heightens the experience, adding a layer of fear and ensuring that each track on Arcane and Abel is unique and captivating, devoid of repetitive or dull moments.

I genuinely appreciate Gorgon Alter‘s dedication to maintaining diversity in his music and albums.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The acrylic painting depicts an ancient primordial figure pointing towards the opening that signifies his release from a celestial prison [Gorgons Alter].

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

There is nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Gorgons Alter and his album Arcane and Abel.

This concludes the Gorgons Alter, Arcane and Abel review.

  1. Pyramid Builders on the Rings of Gas Giants
  2. Freefall Battle Axe
  3. The Night, it Hungers
  4. Plague Bathers
  5. Reignmaker
  6. Keelhauling the Colossi
  7. The Oxflayer
  8. Deer Huntress
  • Christopher Clough – everything
Gorgons Alter - Arcane and Abel Review