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Half Southern North – Narrations of a Fallen Soul Review

Half Southern North – Narrations of a Fallen Soul Review: A Occult Metal band from Greece. On April 8th, 2022, the band released their latest studio album, Narrations of a Fallen Soul, which includes seven materialising and mysticism songs Influenced by Black Metal, Doom Metal and Experimental. Co-production with Satanath Records and with the Italian label Fog Foundation and Les Acteurs de l’Ombre.


Half Southern North – Narrations of a Fallen Soul Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS, which comprise dark melodies and droning guitar.

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves female artistry of materialising and a vast amount of mysticism of incantation.

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of slow, doom-like patterns and beats.

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the album. Immediately the listener presses that play button, one is welcome to the opening track, ALPHA SOPHIA, which welcomes the listener’s ears with the sound of clean avant-garde riffage, one-time drum beat and spoken incantation -following suit with the rest of the opening piece which welcomes the listener with an occult like atmosphere which channels throughout the remaining release and takes the listener on a dark-epic journey, “themes of the lyrics” are inspired by the Ancient Greek Mythology/Literature and Occultism.

The album’s central theme is the essence of Death and the Soul, as the Spirit became free by Lucifer (the sacred Snake-Ophis). Death here represents the minor God “Thanatos” of Ancient Greek mythology. Hehe, last lover of the maiden Soul, a “marriage” of eternity, the bitter in painfully of death and decay. The Soul accepts her destiny and departs to the Moon, the ancient Mother of all, free from the bonds of matter.

As one continues their occult-like journey with the second track, HEARTS OF HADES, and the five remaining songs where the music feels like one is travelling down a spiral rabbit hole, where the music draws (captures this dark, authentic occultist soundscape/atmosphere and experimental occult direction).

At the same time, NARRATIONS OF THE FALLEN SOUL provides the listener with outstanding devilmanship, seven equally solid, strongly composed songs and music.

Where the music feels (at times) dark – but beautiful, goosebumps/shiver down (one’s) spine, eerie, droning, hypnotic and magical, but sometimes being disturbed and your soul is haunted – and consists of combining elements such as the dark sounds and slow rhythms, which evoke decadent atmospheres and dramatic melodies of doom metal and experimental/noise black metal, at times the music and amazing vocal artistry consists of materialising and a vast amount of mysticism of incantation singing and spoken words – at times (including the music) the vocal work has this dark ambient vibe/-Esque of (German dark ambient/darkwave act) SOPOR AETERNUS, dark melodies/droning of the guitar, the use of multi-instrumentation such as; flute, acoustic pickings, theremin, synthesiser, violin and a Saxophone.

If the listener loves what ½ SOUTHERN NORTH has created… again, from the moment of play, where the music draws the listener deep within the music and atmosphere—it is not to be missed.

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. Where do I begin, and where I do begin (again). The vocal work is impressive, including the music and atmosphere.

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. The artwork is epic and theatrical- speaks/foretells the lyrical concept and music.

The Artwork: “Sin Pursued by Death” Engraver: Moses Haughton the younger, 1804 • Original Painting: “Die Sünde, vom Tod verfolgt” by Johann Heinrich Füssli, 1794-1796).

Finally, the review will close with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH and the closing piece, SONG TO HALL UP HIGH. With nothing to disrelish within the musical world of  ½ SOUTHERN NORTH, we can move on with the closing piece, SONG TO HALL UP HIGHwhich is an unsettling synth-driven cover version of BATHORY’s SONG TO HALL UP HIGH. This concludes the Half Southern North – Narrations of a Fallen Soul Review.

Narrations Of a Fallen Soul Song-listing:

  1. Alpha Sophia
  2. Hearts of Hades
  3. Breastfeed Your Delightful Sorrow
  4. Elegy of Hecate
  5. Narrations of a Fallen Soul
  6. Remmants of Time
  7. Song to Hall Up High

½ Southern North Members:

  • IDVex (compositions, guitars, bass, theremin, Synthesizer, Chelys Lyre, vocals, & lyrics
  • Guest Member – Philippos Lyrintzis (drums on tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6)
  • Guest Member – George Kastanos (saxophone on track 6)
  • Guest Member – Efraimia Giannakopoulou (violin on track 5)
  • Guest Member – Dimitris Soureas (Davul on track 2)
  • Guest Member – Stavros Panagiotopoulos (Kaval on track 2)
  • Guest Member – Malena Pereske (Dahare on track 2)
  • Guest Member – Polytimi Noea (Ancient Greek Lyrics on “Hearts of Hades” (track 2))