
Hollow Voice – Awaiting Death Review

A two-person Black Metal project from the United States. Hollow Voice features members of Viserion. On August 18th, 2023, the duo released their latest independent single, Awaiting Death, which will gratify fans Viserion and Teloch Vovin fans.


Hollow Voice, Awaiting Death: This review will evaluate every aspect of the single, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this single is worth adding to your collection.

Hollow Voice - Awaiting Death Review

The First Three Sins of Awaiting Death

Hollow Voice - Awaiting Death Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Captivates your senses with its nightmare and immortalized sound

The listener immediately presses the play button and is immersed in an intense and aggressive combination of instrumental and vocal sounds that establish the mood for the rest of the song.

The Awaiting Death musical composition offers a six-minute auditory experience that exudes a congenial atmosphere, neither fast nor slow, providing the listener with a sense of haunting tranquillity. The song structure is composed of various tones, moods, and tempos that create a harmonious blend of sounds.

Hollow Voice - Awaiting Death Review

Hollow Voice instrumental section showcases the impressive skills of guitar artistry. It delivers razor-sharp, dark, and moody rhythms accompanied by haunting melodies and a dark and haunting solo that captivates the listener’s attention.

The mid-tempo drum strikes are executed with varied tones and tempos, contributing to the overall appeal of the single. On the other hand, the vocals are equally noteworthy, consisting of chilling shrieks that perfectly complement the dark and eerie tone of the music.

For those who taste the darker side of music, Hollow Voice captivates your senses with its raw, powerful, haunting and depressing sound; this band is perfect for those who enjoy the black metal spectrum’s more profound and intense. Whether you’re a genre fan or simply looking for something new to explore, Hollow Voice is a compelling musical experience worth hearing.

Hollow Voice has delivered an outstanding, dark, raw, and hauntingly tranquil single—and a must-listen.

Now the single has come to an end. We want to give a shoutout to Hollow Voice for letting us review their Awaiting Death single. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Awaiting Death”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Awaiting Death, has been meticulously crafted with exceptional attention to detail. This results in a well-recorded forbidden fruit of art that boasts impressive skill and creativity in instrumentation, composition, and devilmanship. The musical experience it delivers is powerful and unforgettable, leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork exudes an eerie quality, as if the artist has captured the essence of a haunting dream. The colours and brushstrokes convey a sense of unease as if the image reflects a subconscious fear. It is as though the artist has brought to life a nightmare and immortalized it on canvas.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Hollow Voice and their single Awaiting Death.

This concludes the Hollow Voice, Awaiting Death review.

Hollow Voice - Awaiting Death Review