
Kaivs – Horrend Review

Carefully crafted to create an exceptional piece of old-school metal bliss…

Kaivs is an Old-school Death Metal band from Italy. February 1st, 2023, the band independently released their debut EP album, Horrend, which includes three vintage beauty of old-school tracks, that would gratify fans of Dismember, Fleshcrawl, and -early Entombed.


Kaivs, Horrend: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Kaivs - Horrend Review

The First Three Sins of Horrend

Kaivs - Horrend Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Carefully crafted to create an exceptional piece of old-school metal bliss…

Upon pressing the play button, the listener is immediately welcomed with the opening piece, Horrend. The song wastes no time in cutting out any fancy introductions. Instead, it goes straight for the kill, providing an extreme instrumental and vocal delight that impresses the listener.

The listener continues their journey with the last two pieces, Krushing All Altars and Sepulchrist, delivering a powerful and intense experience of Swedish old-school death metal, even though the band hails from Italy.

As the listener’s ears delve into this sonic journey and are drowned with the pure bliss of old-school death metal of under thirteen minutes. The listener’s ears and soul are treated to a forbidden fruit of art that showcases exceptional (well-executed) devilmanship, composition and production.

The instrumental and vocal artistry on display is tight and well-executed, with every note and rhythm executed precisely. While the guitar work may not feature too much lead work, it’s filled with plenty of frenzy tremolo picking and crushing rhythms that add to the overall intensity of the music. The drums drive the music forward with powerful, thunderous beats and strikes/fills.

At the same time, the vocals’ deep growls, with a unique tone, add to the piece’s overall intensity.

At the same time, the pace of the music is set at a moderate pace (but keeping the music brutally heavy) which allows for the clarity of the notes, beats, atmosphere, and vocals. Making it easier to appreciate the complexity of this musical fruit of art arrangement/composition.

From start to finish, every element of Horrend has been carefully crafted to create an exceptional piece of old-school metal bliss that will leave a lasting impression on all who hear it.

It is a must-listen for anyone who loves music and appreciates the beauty of old-school death metal.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Sepulchrist. We want to give a shoutout to Kaivs for letting us review their Horrend album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Horrend”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, From the beginning to the end. The musicians involved in creating this musical offering put a lot of thought and effort into the production and composition, ensuring that every aspect of Horrend is well executed. Everything combines perfectly, from the brutal guitar work to the thunderous drums and the tone of the vocals, to create a musical fruit of art.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

With a distinct old-school death aesthetic that perfectly matches the band’s musical themes of horror, death, war, and anti-religion. The artwork’s dirty brown colour gives it a raw, gritty feel that transports the viewer to a different time and place. It’s as if the album was discovered in a dusty, forgotten record store from another era. The album name and band logo stand out in bold blue, adding to the vintage vibe of the artwork. Overall, this album cover is a stunning visual representation of the band’s music and message.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Kaivs, and their album Horrend.

This concludes the Kaivs, Horrend review.

  1. Horrend
  2. Krushing All Atrs
  3. Sepulchrist
  • Max Foam – vocals
  • Tiziano Mortician – guitar
  • Jacopo Simonelli – bass
  • Leonardo Sastro – drums
Kaivs - Horrend Review