KASM – Lux Obscurata Review

KASM is a Canadian Atmospheric/Cosmic Black Metal band. On August 25th, 2023, KASM independently released their debut EP album Lux Obscurata, which includes five cosmic abyss songs that would gratify Offenbarung (Argentina), Wolves in the Throne Room and Darkspace fans. Lux Obscurata will be released via MC, limited to 100 copies, on January 31st, 2024, by Northernshadow.


KASM, Lux Obscurata: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

KASM - Lux Obscurata Review

The First Three Sins of Lux Obscurata

KASM - Lux Obscurata Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Nihilistic beauty explores themes of nothingness that stretch across the cosmos.

As soon as the listener presses the play button, the opening piece, Arcana Solaris, greets the listener’s ears with this captivating fruit of art journey that opens with atmospheric-space soundscape synths and follows suit with the four remaining pieces.

KASM is an alchemical blend of raw, aggressive, atmospheric, and depressive black metal. It’s a cosmic atmosphere and sonic landscape conjures a sense of nihilistic beauty, exploring themes of nothingness that stretch across the cosmos.

Lux Obscura is a fruit of art devilmanship that will take you on a haunting musical journey, with a composition that’s a fruit of the art of instrumental arrangements that effortlessly blend various tempos, moods, atmospheres, and heavy sections. The precision and skill of the musicians are palpable, delivering a soundscape that will penetrate your ears and soul with existential dread—a recording quality that’s raw and bleak as if captured in outer space and out-limits of time.

Lyrically, KASM takes you through an experience of cosmic despair and existentialism while exploring the vast unknown through both corporeal and incorporeal forms.

I highly recommend checking out KASM and their debut, Lux Obscura. A fruit of art, atmospheric and cosmic black metal band with a genuinely captivating sound that perfectly captures the genre’s essence. Whether you’re a die-hard Atmospheric Black Metal fan or simply someone who appreciates dark, eerie, and atmospheric music, KASM‘s atmospheric and cosmic musical spectrum is a must-listen.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Exordium Illumination. We want to give a shoutout to KASM for letting us review their Lux Obscura album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Black Light of the Leviathan”


The last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, a unique ability to cultivate an air of intrigue and mystique around the band. With its five epic, long, dark, and eerie songs, sure to captivate and characterize their music, transport listens to an otherworldly listening experience.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The album cover features a stunning artwork titled Celestial Being IV, created by the immensely talented Canadian artist Barthelemy Aupetit. The artwork perfectly captures the mood and essence of the music and is particularly well-suited to the album’s final track, Exordium Illumination.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of KASM, and their album Lux Obscurata.

This concludes the KASM, Lux Obscurata review.

  1. Acrana Solaris
  2. Black Light of the Leviathan
  3. Terminus Post QuemNon Licet
  4. Cosmic Enlightenment
  5. Exordium Illumination
  • S.R. – bass
  • J.T. – guitars, drums, synths
  • K.B. – vocals
KASM - Lux Obscurata Review