Koldkrypt – Holocauste Global Review

Koldkrypt – Holocauste Global Review: A Black Metal act from France. June 10th, 2022, Koldkrypt released their second studio album Holocauste Global, which would gratify fans of Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, and Antaeus. The album was released through Hessian Firm and promoted through Shred Storm PR


Koldkrypt – Holocauste Global Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS. Which consists of stunning guitar tone with barbed riffs filled with the traditional brimstone-accented catchy melodies

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves raw, biting (spoken in the French tongue) vocals

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of swirling tempos and blasting drumming

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the album.. Immediately the listener presses that play button, one is welcome to the opening track, MIRADORS ET BARBELÉS…, which welcomes the listener’s ears with an instrumental arrangement opening of a synth-soundscape.

Following suit with the second track, AUX OUBLIETTES! and the remaining six pieces -where KOLDKRYPT takes the listener on a journey about “The absurdity of humanity’s existence has become too much of a burden to bear. In my eyes, this is a falling species, pushed by ignorance imposed by the absence of universal truth. I no longer have my place in this frail world. I fantasize about humanity’s end. The sons of whores are among us. Mass extinction. Whether the executioner is human, divine, or natural, I pray for a global holocaust. [Typhus X]

As one continues their music journey, HOLOCAUSTE GLOBAL offers the listener’s ears a prime example of what sets French black metal apart from its global contemporaries.

Simultaneously, the album creates this combination of fierce and raw (lo-fi) production of LES LÉGIONS NOIRES, chaotic and aggressive of ANTAEUS, and the genre-bending experimentation of acts such as DEATHSPELL OMEGA and BLUT AUS NORD and the musical spectrum of atmospheric black metal and depressive black metal –thus creating this unique underground niche of black metal which utilizes various characteristics and compositions such as; vocals consisting of raw-biting of high pitched depressive black metal screams, a good number of blast beats with swirling tempo drumming; the guitar work utilizes tremolo picking, barbed riffs and darkly-melodies/a short virtuoso solo, various tones/moods, short symphonic and acoustic moments can also be heard in particular sections.

HOLOCAUSTE GLOBAL showcases and carves a powerful, flawlessly raw, and depressive atmosphere with an experimental/avant-garde edge. Which also includes and provides the listener with a perishing and dark production. At the same time, the songwriting/composing of the music and the devilmanship are very creative and top-quality.

The fact that this is primarily a one-person project almost feels hard to believe with the depth and quality presented in the release. The album exemplifies what French black metal offers the world, so dive in. It’s not to be missed.

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. KOLDKRYPT embraces an avant-garde musical spectrum within this release, which includes atmosphere, raw, and depressive black metal in one sitting.

Personally, the seventh/closing track, FUNGUS was enough to send shivers down my back; the composing of the song, the vocals, and the whole piece

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. Very Depressive and fits the lyrical concept

Finally, the review will close with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH, and the closing fifteen-minute piece, FUNGUS. With nothing to disrelish within the musical world of KOLDKRYPT we can move on with the closing piece FUNGUS which showcases everything mentioned above -into one fruit of art/powerful epic closing piece -reaching the last few minutes of the song, which ends with a sorrowful atmosphere essential closing -yet beautiful and dark ending to the album…

This brings the listener to the bonus track, WARFARE, which is a ZYKLON-B cover (was a Norwegian black metal band founded in 1995, consisting of members from Emperor, Satyricon, and Dødheimsgard. The name refers to the gas used in the concentration camps during the Third Reich). A perfect (cover) song that fits very well with the concept of the album… and is not a bad cover. This concludes the Koldkrypt – Holocauste Global Review.

Holocauste Global Song-listing:

  1. Miradors et Barbelés…
  2. Aux Oubliettes !
  3. Holocauste Global
  4. Divine Inquisition
  5. Les Yeux Ouverts
  6. Agoraphobie
  7. Fungus

Koldkrypt Members:

  • Typhus X (guitars, bass, vocals, textes, recording, mixing, mastering) • Greedsaw (synth arrangements) • Jinkstraüm (album introduction)