Luis Maldonalle — Dark Review

Luis Maldonalle, a highly skilled solo artist from Brazil, has made Portugal his new home. On May 17th, 2024, he unveiled his sixth independent studio album, Dark, showcasing his musical virtuosity and unique style.


Luis Maldonalle, Dark: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Luis Maldonalle - Dark Review

The First Three Sins of Dark

Luis Maldonalle - Dark Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: A unique duo concept: The entire album is a dark exploration with a twist.

As soon as the listener presses the play button, the opening piece, Arrow Wounded Heart, greets the listener with the sound of horns and Lindisfarne Raid. Followed suit with a rapid-fire power/heavy metal instrumental and vocal onslaught that set up the tone of the remaining album.

As the listener embarks on their journey with the second piece, Hammer of God, and the remaining eight pieces, they are immersed in a unique duo concept: The entire album is a dark exploration with a twist. There’s a duality in everything, a light at the end of the tunnel. “And Death Shall Come” and “Dead World Gone” are about the end. But sometimes, it means restarting and going to the afterlife.

Over the years, Luis has consistently intrigued us with his unique musical evolution. From his debut album Furia to his latest singles, Dawn of the Black Heart and Dead World Gone, are part of the “Dark” track listing. Luis has continued to impress us with his artistic fruit of art devilmanship prowess. Each of his songs possesses a unique identity and sound, ensuring that none feels monotonous or repetitive. This evolution in his music keeps us eagerly anticipating his next musical venture.

Luis Maldonalle - Dark Review

The album Dark is a testament to Luis‘s high skill and professionalism in its musical composition, instrumentation, and devilmanship. However, the exceptional production quality and his guitar work truly stand out, reflecting professionalism and attention to detail that elevates the listening experience.

Luis‘s guitar devilmanship is particularly noteworthy, showcasing his impressive artistry. The album features rapid-fire progressive riffs with complex rhythms and intricate fretboard shredding. Each note is meticulously placed and timed perfectly, a testament to Luis‘s dedication and skill.

The listener will encounter audio clips and synths that enhance the musical experience, leaving them in awe of Luis‘s musical prowess.

Harion‘s singing voice is a force to be reckoned with, encapsulating the very essence of each song. His commanding, soaring, operatic vocals, punctuated with war-like chorus anthem cries, not only elevate the singing to a new level but also infuse the album with a powerful and emotional energy that is impossible to ignore.

Dark is a powerhouse release that ingeniously blends the shred and virtuoso of Ynqwie Malmsteen, the speed and melodic power metal of Helloween and Gamma Ray, and Epic and traditional heavy metal. This results in a captivating and immersive soundscape that not only captivates, but also involves the listener on a deep level. If you’re looking for an energetic, full-of-life release, Dark is your answer. Dark is an anthem, a loud, headbanging delight upon pressing that play button.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Crucify. We want to give a shoutout to Luis Maldonalle for letting us review his album, Dark. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.

You’re Listening to “Dead World Gone”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, After being captivated by the release of Furia and fully immersing ourselves in the new tracks from the album Dark, We can be confident that this is an extraordinary fruit of art release. This is more than just heavy metal music; it’s a fusion of power, speed, epic, and traditional metal in one remarkable release.

It’s packed with powerful, high-speed riffs, thunderous drum patterns, and robust vocals that reach celestial heights. Dark is not just an album; it’s an experience that will leave you craving more.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork for this album effectively enhances the creative and meaningful lyrical theme. It features a dark background with poppies, symbolising the aftermath of the Great War (First War 1914-1918). After the war, the landscape was filled with destruction, darkness, sorrow, grief, blood-stained fields, and death. Amidst this devastation, the red poppies grew, representing the juxtaposition of “death and life” and “darkness and light.”

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Luis Maldonalle, and his album, Dark.

This concludes the Luis Maldonalle, Dark review.

  1. Arrow Wounded Heart
  2. Hammer Of God
  3. Dawn of The Black Heart
  4. Blood Stained Wings
  5. Spellcraft
  6. And Death Shall Come
  7. Behind Everything Beautiful Lies The Dark
  8. Dead World Gone
  9. Helvete
  10. Crucify
  • Luis Maldonalle – all instruments
  • Harion Vex – vocals
Luis Maldonalle - Dark Review