Natal Cleft – Particles Of Hate Review

Natal Cleft – Particles Of Hate Review: An Extreme Metal Band from the Philippines. On November 13th, 2022, Natal Cleft released their debut album, Particles Of Hate, which includes seven songs of exhibited torturous, brutal, evil as-hell, and extreme music. The album was released through Kvlt und Kaos Prod.


Natal Cleft – Particles Of Hate Review opens and discusses the FIRST SIN: THE STRINGS/KEYS, which comprises an onslaught of crushing shreds filled with technical and progression, backed with tense bass riffs.

Let’s talk about the SECOND SIN: THE VOCALS, which involves a mixture of extreme demonic snarls, shrieks and growls.

Moving on to the THIRD SIN: THE PERCUSSIONS, which delves into the vast world of fast-crushing drum strikes and blast beats

In our following discussion about the band’s musical work, we will focus on the FOURTH SIN, the overall DISCUSSION of the album. When the listener presses that play button, they are welcome to the opening piece, ASBESTOS FLAGON. There, they are welcomed to a short instrumental bass intro, followed by an instrumental surge, demonic snarls, and brutal growls.

One continues their pure-breed of a nightmarish journey with the second track, RICIN and the remaining five pieces….

PARTICLES OF HATE is a torturous and brutal exhibition release that delights the listener’s ears with the three pieces that were never released in 2021. With things happening worldwide, the band released only four of the seven tracks in September 2021; now, those remaining tracks are unleashed upon the world.

PARTICLES OF HATE is an extreme delight from pressing that play button. Its lyrical themes deal with psychological, political, and the seven deadly sins. It experiments with combining the ultra-dark and complex musical elements of black metal’s frigid atmosphere, and demonic snarls/shrieks intertwine with death growls, as well the aspects of technical/progressive death/thrash metal and heavy and brutalisation of death metal, creating this hellish-extreme delight.

PARTICLES OF HATE consisted of various compositions/characteristics and multiple tempos, moods, and atmospheres, with fast, crushing drum strikes and blast beats delivered by DENDEN. ATAN’s brutal guitar work, ranging from chaotic and dissonant shredding to clean and rhythmic riffs, includes brutal bass riffs filling the hellish void. At one particular moment on the album, there is even a short bass solo reminiscent of IRON MAIDEN. ZEEKEVIL‘s vocals are also noteworthy, featuring a demonic singing style without any clean vocals.

PARTICLES OF HATE is a complex, compelling, and forbidden fruit of art release. Thanks to its well-executed production, sound, and devilmanship, every aspect is convenient to place at the right moment. The release is untamed, full of dark, wild, and brutal energy synchronised with brutal headbanging.

PARTICLES OF HATE is a release filled with hunger, hideousness, rawness, chaos, and the brutal power of sick extreme metal—not to be missed!

I wanted to share our thoughts and MEMORABILIA on the FIFTH SIN. The album is a harrowing and punishing sonic odyssey that takes the listener on a visceral journey through a landscape of jagged riffs, thunderous percussion, and searing vocals. The experience is further amplified by the haunting and evocative artwork accompanying it, leaving a lasting impression on anyone brave enough to embark on this unrelenting musical voyage.

Let’s discuss the ARTWORK of the SIXTH SIN. The artwork is something from someone’s worst nightmare.

Finally, the review will close with the last sin, the SEVENTH SIN, the DISRELISH. Since there is nothing to disrelish within the musical world of NATAL CLEFT. This concludes the Natal Cleft – Particles Of Hate Review.

Particles Of Hate Song-listing:

  1. Asbestos Flagon
  2. Ricin
  3. Deceit
  4. The Courtezan
  5. Paradise
  6. Particles of Hate
  7. Tortured Heaven

Natal Cleft Members:

  • Atan Elias (strings)
  • Zeekevil (throat)
  • Rex (low end)
  • Denden (Moga-sticks)