Olamot – Path Of Divinity Review

Olamot 1 is a Brutal Death Metal band from Italy. On April 29th, 2024, the band released their independent debut studio album, Path Of Divinity. The album was released through Lethal Scissor Records.


Olamot, Path Of Divinity: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Olamot - Path Of Divinity

The First Three Sins of Path Of Divinity

Olamot - Path Of Divinity

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Delves into the intricacies of the music and the gripping science fiction horror concept

As we delve into the review, it’s essential to underline that Path of Divinity is not just another release. It’s a groundbreaking and innovative chapter in the musical and lyrical concept, pushing the boundaries of what was first introduced in their 2022 EP Realms. This album represents a significant step forward for the band, building upon the sound and themes established in their previous work and taking them to new, unexplored territories.

The album’s narrative is a unique blend of science fiction and horror, a combination that is rarely explored in extreme metal music. It unfolds from the end of the previous chapter and follows Raziel’s quest to escape from Hell and his insertion into a cloned body. The listener is immediately drawn into this captivating story with the opening piece, Eternal Sorrow, a chilling, instrumental, dark cinematic intro. The journey continues with the second piece, Everlasting Chains of Darkness, and the remaining seven pieces, each adding a new layer to the science-fiction horror concept.

Olamot‘s music boldly defies convention with its uncompromisingly extreme and brutal sound, leaving an indelible mark on its listeners. As one delves into the intricacies of the music and the gripping science fiction horror concept, they are bound to unearth an alluring and meticulously crafted work of art. The artistry displayed in the composition of the instruments is not just a testament but a celebration of the band’s exceptional talent. The sheer force emanating from the music, lyrics, and instruments is a fruit of art that is inspiring and unapologetically extreme, capturing the genre’s essence.

Olamot‘ is an evocative and moody album with powerful and well-crafted production.

Olamot - Path Of Divinity

In contrast, Path Of Divinity represents a bold, intense, and contemporary release characterised by its heavier, brutal, and technical sound that will crush the listener’s ears.

The atmospheric components are rich with intricate melodies, offering a captivating and immersive sonic journey. The relentless and refined aggression juxtaposed with dark, melodic passages creates a dynamic soundscape, making it the band’s most compelling and focused work.

The instrumental and the devilmanship composition of Path Of Divinity blends brutal, progressive, and technical death metal. The guitar work is robust, featuring grooves and technical prowess. The music is occasionally enriched with orchestration, enhancing the concept and music.

The album comes to an end with the last song, All Seeing Eye. We want to give a shoutout to Daniele Boccali for letting us review his band Olamot and their album, Path Of Divinity. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.

You’re Listening to “All Seeing Eye”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, Path Of Divinity is an expertly crafted release that showcases meticulous attention to detail and devilmanship artistry. The guitar work is a fruit of art of skill and creativity, complementing Vitelli‘s hauntingly powerful vocals, which serve as a captivating highlight of the album.

Look no further if you seek intense and influential extreme metal, occasionally infused with orchestration and technicality. This is the music to blast at total volume and headbang until your spine feels the impact.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Draws back to the old-school days, while capturing the lyrical theme and concept.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Olamot, and their album Path Of Divinity.

This concludes the Olamot, Path Of Divinity review.

  1. Eternal Sorrow (Intro)
  2. Everlasting Chains of Darkness
  3. Human Cloning Facilities
  4. Where Chaos Reigns
  5. Behold the Highest Throne
  6. Adrenochrome
  7. Soul Harvest
  8. Luciferic Allegiance
  9. All Seeing Eye
  • Edoardo Casini – lead guitars, lyrics
  • Daniele Boccali – guitars (rhythm)
  • Matteo Vitelli – vocals
  • Gabriele Gilodi – Orchestrations
  1. Olamot, a project that emerged in 2021, is the result of a fascinating collaboration between two distinct musical minds, Daniele Boccali (Fictio Solemnis) and Edoardo Casini (Xenofaction, Dwaouce, Solo Artist…). Their partnership birthed a Musical Concept that intricately weaves a complete story, with the lyrical and conceptual aspects masterminded by Edoardo Casini. ↩︎
Olamot - Path Of Divinity