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Seven Sins, One Review!

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At Athenaeum of Sin (Underground) Reviews, we pride ourselves on delivering quality and clarity. Hailing from the North East, UK, we are passionate about providing our readers unique insights through our seven sins breakdown format. We value honesty, creativity, and engagement, ensuring each review is both informative and enjoyable.
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“Battleground Single” Athenaeum Of Sin write so high level. Described the atmosphere so good. Thank you very much.
Thank You very much for your column and your very positive comments. “I found your work very professional”.
“Katurix”Gallic Hammer
Thank you to Athenaeum Of Sin reviews for the amazing words on “Everything That We Build”, this gives for sure a huge boost of motivation
“Listenangel”Angel Rising
A Reviewer who listens to every track and reviews from a non-subjective viewpoint and gives a genuine, non-biased review. I’ll be honest, I really trust the reviews here.
“Paul “Dinenthal” Taylor”Dinenthal & DTS Overdrive
Incredible review, which I’m a loss for words for, of my latest “Immortals”. Absolutely must read, “I also totally recommend, become a fan”. “Grim Crypt”
“Lucas HR”Grim Crypt
A rich and detailed review of “All Hail the Despot”, our first single from the upcoming album ‘Latent’.
“Raafat Atasi”Paindemonium
The analysis of the album (The Days Were Like This) was excellent, you captured the essence of Rites of Passage very well. Thank You
“Lamac”Rites of Passage
Thank You so much! You worte such beatiful words and did an amazing job. Your support means so much to us-we truly appreciate it
The guys contribute many years to the scene, and they are very passionate about good music! Make sure to check their website out and follow them for lots of detailed reviews and lots of great metal!“
“Vicious Witch”Vicious Witch Records
A Seven deadly “HAILS” to Athenaeum of Sin Reviews for the first proper review of “Flail Of Pestilence” since its release in late 2024”.
Thank you so much for the great and detailed review! You analyzed every detail of our album with great attention. We truly appreciate all the support!
“Dimension Doom”Dimension Doom