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Ris – Bauk Buka Review

Ris is a Dungeon Synth/Dark Ambient solo artist from Serbia. January 22nd, 2022, Ris released his independent latest studio album, Bauk Buka, which includes seven dark abysses of the unknown songs that would gratify fans and music for dungeons, caverns, and deep forest dwellers.


Ris, Bauk Buka: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

The First Three Sins of Bauk Buka

Ris - Bauk Buka Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Being alone within the walls of this dark (gloomy/eerie) cave of the unknown

Immediately after the listener presses the play button, the listener is welcome to the opening piece, Azbauk I, where the listener is welcome to the sound of raw and lo-fi distortion (frigid atmosphere of black metal) of the guitar…

As one continues their journey with the second piece, Azbauk II, and the last five remaining pieces. The musical spectrum changes to a dungeon synth and dark ambient instrumental keys shrouded with the frigid atmosphere of black metal distortion riffs convenient to place at the right moment.

At the same time, taking the listener on a journey into a dark abyss of the unknown, a lyrical concept inked about a true story veiled in mystery. It is about a mysterious speleologist and his (in search of long-lost treasure and strange inscribed artefacts) deadly discovery, something buried alive and well deep in the caves of Torlak Hills.

Ris has created and captured this mysterious atmosphere feeling for the listener, of being alone within the walls of this dark and eerie cave of Torlak Hills. Somewhat of a retelling of Lovecraft’s “The Beast In The Cave” via an audio compendium of his reinterpretation of music recorded on magnetic tapes (and the musical elements of black/dungeon synth and dark ambient — all woven together with perfection) found along with the terrifying diary in Torlak cave after the sudden disappearance of the speleologist.

At the same time, Ris has created this dark abyss of the unknown music spectrum/atmosphere for the dungeon, cavern & deep forest dweller. Where each instrumental piece captures multiple perspectives and atmospheres of various tones, tempos, moods, sounds, and (mentioned before) keys/distorted riffs, (again) which are convenient to place at the right moment, altogether well composed both in musical and instrumental. This is delivered and provided by the perfect art of instrumental devilmanship.

The album comes to an end with the last song, Speleonaut, which welcomes the listener to acoustic strumming, the sound of water dripping, and an unearthly/haunting atmosphere

We want to give a shoutout to Ris for letting us review his Bauk Buka album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


The last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, we were indulged in this captivating aura of being whisked away to a realm of music for dungeons, caverns, and deep forest dwellers?

Ris‘s remarkable talent deserves recognition; the music will inspire and take you on a journey through a magical and epic experience, or be used as a Dungeons & Dragon tabletop background musical score.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

Captures the caverns and deep forest atmosphere/feel of the music. And this could be the Torlak cave? — adds that urban legend of the missing speleologist

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Ris, and their album Bauk Buka.

This concludes the Ris, Bauk Buka review.

  1. Azbauk I
  2. Azbauk II
  3. Azbauk III
  4. Azbauk IV
  5. Azbauk V
  6. Azbauk VI
  7. Speleonaut (bouns track)
  • Musick opus created in the mind and forged by the hands of Ivan Ristić
Ris - Bauk Buka Review