Xenomorph8472 – Rustwelt Review

Xenomorph8472 is a Raw Black Metal solo artist from the United States. July 22nd, 2022, Xenomorph independently released his debut studio album Rüstwelt, which includes eight Gigerish- voyagers of its own making songs, that would gratify fans of Tarfabia of Germany.


Xenomorph8472, Rüstwelt: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.

Xenomorph8472 - Rustwelt Review

The First Three Sins of Rüstwelt

Xenomorph8472 - Rustwelt Review

The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: Calls his music… hated dungeon-dwelling nihilistic rustbelt black metal

The listener immediately before putting Rüstwelt through your ears, you can channel this debut in two ways: let it rip out of your audio speakers like some Xenomorph8472 ripping through your chest or a Starfleet voyager dungeon-crawling route through one’s headphones (I did both, but I seem to have more experience/enjoyment through the headphones)

So choose your dungeon passage; as soon as the listener presses that play button, beginning one’s journey with the self-title opening piece, Rüstwelt, which welcomes the listener with a narration passage and an industrial/piano soundscape introduction.

Follow suit with the second track, Domiciliary & Despair, and the remaining seven pieces and penned concept focusing on the survival gruelling and endless slave labour in this rotting and decrepit land.

At the same time, Xenomorph8472 captures something unique within his work, a black metal -not just raw -but cold and mechanical raw as hell. It takes hold of the listener’s hand and drags the listener through an atmosphere that sounds feel, captured, and created in a dark-dripping alien-industrial-cold warehouse with cold machinery and genuinely broken souls.

Rüstwelt’s musical spectrum consists of the fruit of art one-man artistry that delivers this black metal which he calls “hated dungeon dwelling nihilistic rustbelt black metal” (which fits the description of the music very well) to the listener’s ears.

The music is filled with creativity of a musical atmosphere filled with rawest, nightmarish-evil, aggression, full-throttle, loud, heavy/head-banging delight, fast, sheer brutality, and dark as hell.

At the same time, the music consists of fantastic orchestration of devilmanship and eight equally solid, strongly composed songs/music.

The songs/music utilise artistry of raw mechanical riffage, inhaling tortures vocals, full arsenal drums strikes and blast-beats and various characteristics such as multiple tempos, and narration passages -which add more depth/character to the music.

All convenient place at the right moment and creating this black metal DNA Dungeon crawling musical/theatrical score -plays like black metal, but reads like a novel!

The album comes to an end with the last song, Schwarzes industrielles Elend. This closing piece is a Shining (Sweden) cover. This proves synth composition pushed in the background and an audio clip at the end of the piece! (headphones are a must, or you will miss it), which ends Rüstwelt perfectly.

We want to give a shoutout to Xenomorph8472 for letting us review his Rüstwelt album. Now, we’re going to wrap it up by talking about the final three sins and concluding the review.


You’re Listening to “Rüstwelt”


The Last Three Sins

The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: Is that for us, is the whole album. Especially the way the music is driven in a different direction of sound, atmosphere, and lyrics.

The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:

The artwork is a fruit of art; the red artwork draws out the theme and the alien-industrial atmosphere. But this has more of the Alien film feel and look but also captures that nightmarish work of H.R. Giger.

The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:

Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Xenomorph8472, and their album Rüstwelt.

This concludes the Xenomorph8472, Rüstwelt review.

  1. Rüstwelt
  2. Domiciliary & Despair
  3. Amphetamous Fornications
  4. Corroded Sentinels of Putrid Carrion
  5. Arbeit macht Hass
  6. Die Adler von Eden
  7. Labors ov Power
  8. Omega Doom
  9. Schwarzes industrielles Elend (Shining cover)
  • Xenomorph – everything
Xenomorph8472 - Rustwelt Review